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City Council Minutes <br />October 20, 2014 <br />Page 7 <br />Councilmember Wilson agreed that long -term business people should be part of this <br />process to try to design what would be the best intersection to accommodate those <br />current stakeholders. <br />Councilmember Motin expressed his concerns to not rush this process and think <br />things through. <br />Council consensus was for staff to meet with the affected trucking companies and <br />return to council with proposals to their concerns, options, and costs. <br />8.2 Feasibility Report for 2015 Street Improvement Project <br />Nir. Femrite presented the staff report. <br />Cody Hohns from Bolton & Menk presented a PowerPoint presentation outlining <br />the Feasibility Report for the improvements at 165`'' Avenue and Jarvis Street and the <br />costs associated with constructing a trail, which was not discussed as part of the <br />current Parks and Recreation Master Plan. <br />Mayor Dietz asked how the Parks and Recreation Commission felt about the trail. <br />He felt like it was expensive and would get a lot of use. <br />Mr. Femrite stated according to Parks and Recreation Director Michael Hecker, staff <br />and the commission didn't feel the trail was an immediate need. He stated the city of <br />Ramsey Parks Director didn't see it as a high benefit connection on their behalf. <br />Councilmember Motin asked if an on- street type of trail was feasible in this type of <br />layout. <br />Mr. Holms stated it was an option and the street would be expanded to 36 feet, <br />stating the cost to do so is less than a trail and would still be able to maintain the <br />ditches that are currently in place. The cost would be less than the trail. <br />Councilmember Burandt stated the trail should be looked at due to its location near <br />sporting and field activities and trail use by pedestrians. She was concerned about <br />cost of the trail but would like to consider both options. <br />Mayor Dietz asked if a decision on the trail needed to be made this evening. <br />Mr. Femrite stated the council could make a decision to accept the report and bring <br />the trail back for further discussion and stated not installing the trail now wouldn't <br />preclude them from adding one in the future. <br />Councilmember Burandt asked if the cost of adding the trail later would increase the <br />cost. <br />P I! E R E I 11 <br />NATURE . <br />