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City Council Minutes <br />November 17, 2014 <br />Page 11 <br />Charlie Blesener, Fact - finding Committee — Stated he likes the idea of having a <br />plan, similar to the St. Paul example shown, and it makes sense for the cite to adopt a <br />long -term plan. He stated he liked the vertical look the best. He stated all capital <br />letters shouldn't be used because it's more difficult to read. He liked Option 1 the <br />best and didn't care for the red lettering in another option. He stated he liked the <br />subtle elements such as the antler watermark in the background. <br />Dave Anderson, Fact - finding Committee — Stated he liked Option 1 the best but he <br />is not sure he likes it better than the current sign near Orono Park. He noted the sign <br />does need to be upgraded to the current city elk logo. He stated he prefers the elk <br />logo on the gateway signage. He stated he prefers natural stone over limestone but <br />noted it's hard to build things out of round rocks. He stated there are some park <br />signs the need to be upgraded. He questioned if the city is behind the times and <br />should consider creating an Elk River navigation app for mobile technology. He <br />stated he would like to see the signage be low maintenance with the landscaping. <br />Cal questioned how much more public input the Council would like for this project <br />and asked if they wanted it sent to the boards and commissions or want to see <br />updated designs based on comments received this evening. He noted money is in a <br />number of departmental budgets for signage. He stated we are Elk River but there <br />are a lot of people who come from other communities to spend time and money at <br />our businesses and the city wants to maximize their experience in the community. <br />Councilmember Morin stated it would be difficult to send to the commissions <br />because there will be many varied ideas on signage design. He stated there are many <br />different representatives and viewpoints here tonight and it will be difficult creating <br />signs based on the differences in comments expressed. <br />Mayor Dietz suggested the consultant come up with one option that centers on the <br />current city logo and one without it. <br />There was discussion about using Option A and changing it out with the elk logo <br />and the field stone versus the limestone. Various Council and comrmttee members <br />were split on the use of Option A and Option 1. <br />Councilmember Motin further expressed concern about using the Powered by <br />Nature logo because it hasn't taken off in the community. He expressed concern <br />with it being drilled into the stone and trying to replace it later. <br />Mr. Lang stated the drill holes in the stone would be an easy fix with different <br />techniques. <br />Mr. Anderson asked if the existing sign in Orono Park could be utilized as gateway <br />throughout the city. <br />P ff w E R E l 8 Y <br />INATUREI <br />