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City Council Minutes page 2 <br /> September 8,2014 <br /> ---------------------------- <br /> Liquor Store <br /> Mr. Potvin discussed changes in the liquor industry and noted the city may need to <br /> consider lowering its sales margins. <br /> Councilmember Motin asked Mr. Potvin if he had ideas on the types of businesses <br /> that would be complimentary located adjacent to Westbound Liquor. (EDA recently <br /> purchased two nearby lots) <br /> Mr. Potvin suggested a grocery store but commented the land may not be suited <br /> size-wise. <br /> Mr. Tillman further suggested a convenience store due to its high traffic. <br /> Storm Water <br /> Mayor Dietz stated he doesn't know how the city is going to sell an increase in <br /> property taxes to the public if the storm water budget is left in the General Fund. He <br /> stated staff must handle a tough job publicizing this mandated program and its <br /> corresponding costs. Mayor Dietz suggested an article in the newspaper that <br /> compares the two cost options to taxpayers. <br /> Councilmember Westgaard stated keeping the costs in the General Fund doesn't <br /> seem equitable. He noted some entities, such as churches and schools (larger users), <br /> wouldn't be responsible to pay a fee. <br /> Mr. Portner noted staff is working on an educational campaign utilizing various <br /> communications tools. He stated the city needs to pay for the program and the only <br /> question is which option to use. He stated it could be paid through property taxes, <br /> which acts on the philosophy of, he who has more,pays more;or should it be based <br /> on a user fee. He stated he believes the property tax option is an obsolete process <br /> because people don't hold their wealth in their property like in days past; and actually <br /> tend to hold more debt in their property. He further stated the user fee would be the <br /> more equitable option so everyone pays their fair share. <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated he likes to see staff getting public input as it further <br /> develops good community relationships. He stated he would not like to see a <br /> property tax increase for this program. <br /> Councilmember Burandt confirmed that community participation is needed but she <br /> does prefer the fee option as it seems more equitable. <br /> Councilmember Morin questioned why this decision is coming before the Council <br /> now rather than four or so months ago. He stated this issue has been before Council <br /> for the last three years. <br /> Mr. Portner stated Council requested to wait.until the city got its permit from the <br /> Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. He noted the permit was received this year. He <br /> stated the Council decided to contract out the work that needed to be completed this <br /> p 0 V E R I I B Y <br /> NATUREI <br />