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City Council Minutes Page 8 <br /> July 21,2014 <br /> ----------------------------- <br /> Mr. Pottner presented the staff report. He introduced Bob McGillivray, Project <br /> Manager for The Trust for public Land, Steve Hobbs,Project Director for The <br /> Conservation Fund, and Jeff Dotseth, realtor representing the Houlton family. Mr. <br /> Portner explained another grant opportunity has become available through <br /> Minnesota Outdoor Heritage Fund to assist in the city's purchase of the Houlton <br /> family farm property. <br /> Mr. McGillivray provided a brief overview of The Trust for Public Land and <br /> presented an opportunity for TheTrust to seek approval to purchase the Houlton <br /> farm and donate it to the city. He stated the The Trust has capital acquisition funds <br /> available to purchase this property due to another project that fell through, but <br /> because the Houlton farm property is not currently on their acquisition list, the city's <br /> request must be reviewed and recommended for approval to the state legislature by <br /> the Lessard—Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (I.,-SOHC). The presentation of the <br /> application and letter of support of the Council would be.August 5. <br /> Because this fund is earmarked specifically for protecting and Improving wildlife <br /> habitats, the city's original intent for use of this farm property would need to be <br /> modified to the use of the land would be as a habitat and conservation area. The city <br /> would incur incidental costs for removal of the buildings currently located on the <br /> property and no further buildings would be allowed to be constructed. Areas of the <br /> land would be used as passive park land. He stated grants are available to assist with <br /> maintaining the land but overall the costs associated with keeping the land as natural <br /> park land would be low. Mr. McGillivray requested the Council provide their <br /> feedback on this course if a consensus to move forward with this type of funding <br /> request could be made. <br /> Mr. McGillivray explained the land's use and its restrictions under the deed <br /> -restrictions. He noted Anoka County has experience with asin-tilar grant opportunity <br /> in 2009 and used this resource to purchase property which is currently in use as <br /> hunting and passive park land. He provided several handouts of the Anoka County <br /> property as examples in showing their public hunting areas and restrictions. <br /> Mayor Dietz was concerned with the hunting proposed on the property and the <br /> safety of people near and on the property. He also expressed concerns with future <br /> property maintenance costs. <br /> Mr. McGillivray stated if the city moves ahead with the proposed grant opportunity, <br /> the city would work closely with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources <br /> (DNR) to follow current statutes already in place and draw up specific regulations to <br /> ensure hunting on the land would be safe and proper signage would be placed, <br /> making visitors aware of the land's use. <br /> Mi.. Beck asked questions regarding the grant agreement and its conditions regarding <br /> building removal, hunting, and deed restrictions. <br /> Councilmember Motit-i stated this was a unique opportunity. He was also concerned <br /> for hunting and safety of residents living nearby and wanted hunting restricted to <br /> P R V E R I I I <br /> NATURE] <br />