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ID <br /> iiil' 1 1 <br /> Serving Sherburne County&Surrounding Communities Ae <br /> N,,,lti?! 1) <br /> Distribution to: B ckeI •Big Lake •Clear Lake •Clearwater •Orrock•Palmer •Santiago •E.St. Cloud <br /> Vol. 7 No. 28 PO Box 217. 12423 Pine Street• Becker,MN 55308 • (612)261-5880 •fax:(612)261-5884 E-Mail:citizennewsl <br /> Becker City C • <br /> y� . <br /> - t ,}tr, i. <br /> Consider P Patht = Niiit <br /> BY JAMES HINTERMEISTER safety r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s people are Placing it on the south <br /> EDITOR (M/DOT), which suggests sepa- side means less crossing of ' <br /> The Becker City Council will rating paths from roads on which Edgewood. A path on the north °'' <br /> turn next to the public as its next the speed limit is 45 mph.M/DOT side -can be planned for with E '7'='`. <br /> step for determining how to pro also suggests paths be 10 feet future development." <br /> wide. The council accepted the fea- `` <br /> ceed with developing a multi-use p <br /> along Edgewood Street. Police Chief Kevin Rieland sibility study and set a public <br /> ich Pederson of the engi- addressed a question by the coup hearing to accept comment at its tip:: <br /> n erin film hired by the city,pre- cil regarding the amount of pedes- next regular meeting. While the <: <br /> g y sip trian traffic on Edgewood. study determined costs and ossi- F -z.� • <br /> rented the results of a feasibility g y p ' Z <br /> study to the city council last The officers see a lot of peo- bilities for constructing a path,the <br /> week, which outlined details for ple walking in the evening, jog- final plans are not"set in stone." i • >. <br /> implementation and associated ging in the morning or walking In other business, the council: ' <br /> costs. Pederson's recommends- their dogs. The consensus at the •During a public hearing,dis- r <br /> lion was for a path to be placed on department heads'meeting is that cussed the future costs associated k <br /> 7" <br /> the south side of Edgewood with we had a lot of(pedestrian) traf- with improvements of the indus- it <br /> fic," he said. trial park to allow for expansion. i <br /> 10 feet separating it and the street: p p . ';i <br /> The "south side" option car- <br /> Council member Greg Jeff Gongoll was present at the :' <br /> ries with it a higher price tag — Kolbinger added that "traffic ... meeting and indicated his family f -,', z <br /> $94,000 compared to $88,000 to both pedestrian and motor vehicle is still a willing partner to devel- <br /> put it on the north side of the ••• is only going to increase with op land in a manner that will meet -' <br /> street—with the difference being the big development going in." the city's future needs. Still, with <br /> the number of times the path In response to a question costs reaching several hundred <br /> would cross intersections and from the council on why the thousand dollars to install neces- <br /> require handicap accessible curbs. study recommends placing the sary infrastructure, he said the e; <br /> Pederson's recommendation trail on the south side,rather than family wishes to proceed slowly. <br /> was influenced by Minnesota the undeveloped north side, <br /> Department of Transportation Pederson said, "That's where the COUNCIL to page 3A <br /> Board Approves Santiago Paintball Course <br /> fOP on aintball enthusiasts will soon have another other padding and protective gear." <br /> to test their mettle against one another. The In addition to:offering the playing field,Heroic <br /> Sherburne County Board of Commissioners::gave Visions will have gun rental and a.0O2 refill station f <br /> approval last week to Lance Mortensen of Santiago for the convenience of players: <br /> Township to open a painthall coerce to he named Lance and Nathan will provide safety instruction <br /> Heroic Visions Paintball. to new players and will also act as referees during I <br /> The hoard approved a conditional use permit the matches to make sure safety rules are followed. <br /> „ ;0 fhF..:ot;,-,._,1,1t:.l.t,t1 +ri.o-,,a,-.r.:t-1,.;11 h<1,A_c.v�m_ A t,/,-,,..17 .tram=..1=....,..+1.1,11.:......,.,,.., r4 4,,,N+ taw - ,.4.iul <br />