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• <br /> Item # 9.A.2. <br /> ityof <br /> 1k River MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Park and Recreation Commission <br /> FROM: Michele McPhersoiT;Director of Planning <br /> DATE: June 14, 2000 <br /> SUBJECT: Jim Nystrom's Follow-up Letter Regarding Regional Park Planning <br /> Attached please find the June 1, 2000, letter from Jim Nystrom explaining a <br /> possible regional park planning coalition concept. He has provided a list of cities, <br /> counties and townships that would be possible participants in this endeavor. It is <br /> clear from Mr. Nystrom's letter that he is requesting the lead be taken by the City <br /> of Elk River to establish a coalition for regional park planning along the 101 and <br /> 169 corridors. This, of course, would take staff time and city resources to devote <br /> to this endeavor and would need buy-in from the Elk River City Council, as well <br /> • as the city councils of the communities listed by Mr. Nystrom. <br /> Recommendation <br /> Staff requests that the Commission review Mr. Nystrom's letter and provide a <br /> recommendation to the City Council as to whether this should be pursued by the <br /> City. <br /> 11 <br /> S:\PLANNING\MICHMC\PARKNREC\NYSTROM2.DOC <br /> 13065 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 490 • Elk River, MN 55330 • TDD &Phone: (612) 441-7420 • Fax: (612)441-7425 <br />