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To:Michele McPherson(441-7425) From:1 612 2741842 6/14/00 11:38:14a Page 2 of 3 <br /> Staff Report <br /> • June 2000 <br /> Michele Bergh <br /> Summer Programs & Registration <br /> Registration and preparations for summer programs are going very well. We have 1,517 participants <br /> signed up so far. Our biggest program is T-ball. This will be run completely with parent volunteers this <br /> year and no staff person on site every week. Our staff will do site visits periodically through the season. <br /> We have offered a coaches training this year for all the coaches who were interested and we also offered <br /> them first aid certification training if they were interested. We have done background checks on all the <br /> volunteers as well. A program we have seen a good increase in is the tennis program. We have about <br /> 100 kids signed up this year, which is about a 15-20% increase over past years. We had to add classes <br /> in Rogers and Elk River as well as a second coach to some of the classes to accommodate the numbers <br /> as well as we could. We are in the process of calling people on the waiting lists to add them into classes <br /> if they want. Another program that we are seeing a good response to is the Wacky Wednesdays in <br /> Rogers. This program features a different theme each week for 6 weeks similar to the Funtastic Fridays <br /> in Elk River. This is the first year and we have about 30 kids registered so far. They can register for all <br /> 6 at once or week by week and I anticipate that we will get additional kids for various weeks throughout <br /> the program. <br /> Safety Camp <br /> Once again this event is a success. We were worried about the weather as they predicted rain and <br /> • thunderstorms each day but the rain seemed to just miss us. The feedback so far has been good. Some <br /> people are disappointed at not being able to attend but we only allow 128 kids in the program at this <br /> time. The program filled up on May 15th when it opened to residents outside of Elk River. <br /> Staff/Intern <br /> We are in full force with staff getting ready for the summer programs. Our intern has been very helpful <br /> and Ben Dwyer is back again this summer and he's been very helpful with all of the summer preparation <br /> and bringing Darci up to speed. Things are going very smoothly and everyone is really pulling together. <br /> Fun Packs <br /> We have put together"Fun Packs". The information is on a 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 sheet of paper which I have <br /> enclosed a copy of in your packet. Anyone in the communities we serve can rent out equipment for a <br /> special event they are having. We have the equipment here at our office and if anyone would like copies <br /> of the flyers for their office and/or assistance in putting equipment together for their office, we would be <br /> happy to help with this. As of right now, it is given out to people reserving park shelters in Elk River <br /> and will be advertised in future brochures. We had people asking so we put this together just a couple of <br /> weeks ago. The policy was modeled after another community who also offers equipment to their <br /> residents on a rental basis. I believe this is a nice service to provide for our communities. <br /> Field Scheduling <br /> Field scheduling is going smoothly now. We have had requests by youth association members and <br /> coaches to add the Rogers area into our scheduling process. They would like to be able to call one <br /> • office for everything. <br />