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• The park dedication fund has a cash balance of$217,000. A few <br /> additional expenses need to come out of this fund for the completion of <br /> the Phase I YAC improvements. Additionally, $49,000 needs to come <br /> from this fund for the railroad trail improvement matching grant <br /> requirement (this is actually a net of$30,000 as the city is proposing to <br /> spend its $19,400 trail equipment reserve monies as part of this <br /> matching requirement). Finally, the city still owes the county $25,000 <br /> for the Proctor Avenue pedestrian trail improvement from a few years <br /> ago. Accordingly, between the recommended expenditures from the <br /> the ilr ad trail, and the <br /> commission, County Road 1 trail, the ra o , <br /> completion of YAC Phase I, over $115,000 is scheduled to come out of <br /> this fund. <br /> Last year the city received $134,000 in park dedication revenues and <br /> spent approximately $115,000 for improvements. The level of revenue <br /> for 1999 is uncertain and depends upon development proposals and the <br /> need for land within these development proposals versus receiving cash. <br /> The end of year fund balance for the park dedication fund has recently <br /> been: <br /> • 1993 <br /> 1994 $101,000 <br /> $168,000 <br /> 1995 $108,000 <br /> 1996 $169,000 <br /> 1997 $204,000 <br /> 1998 $219,000 <br /> Overall this status is not too bad considering that we have consistently <br /> made some modest park improvements throughout the city in the last <br /> few years. <br /> The commission is still working on the recommendation for some type of <br /> shelter at Woodland Trails and this is expected to be in the $15,000 - <br /> $20,000 neighborhood and forthcoming in the next month or two. <br /> The second motion made by the commission when it reviewed its park <br /> dedication proposal included a motion to spend some equipment <br /> reserves for the purchase of a grass seeder. <br /> 6.7. Youth Athletic Complex - The four-field YAC was used last summer. <br /> Improvements are ongoing and most recently (last fall) the street/park <br /> department completed some drainage improvements. The parking lot is <br /> • gravel and, ultimately, we would like to have this improved to a <br /> bituminous status, but this is a number of years away depending on <br />