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The time schedule spreadsheet reflects five new feeders to be constructed between 2004 <br /> and 2007 and extend a feeder. The reasons are as follows: <br /> Item#1 —Relieve load on existing feeders. <br /> Item#2 & #10—Relieve load on existing feeders and increase capacity <br /> for west business park. <br /> Item#4 & #5 —Extend feeder and construct new feeder to accommodate <br /> existing and future territory acquisition. <br /> Item#7 & #8 —Loop feed Otsego due to load growth and prepare for <br /> Co. Rd. 39 and Hwy. 169 overpass. <br /> Load growth is great for our community and the projects outlined above need to be done. <br /> The bad news is our existing cash flow will not sustain this level of construction. Initial <br /> calculations from our cash flow model, indicates electric cash reserves will drop to <br /> around$1,100,000 for a number of years. Our desire is to maintain approximately <br /> $2,000,000 in cash reserves. Our alternative is to bond for some of the feeder <br /> construction. Bond proceeds should be in$750,000 to $850,000 area. <br />