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All of the communities surveyed struggle with who maintains MNDOT lighting on <br /> major roads. There is often confusion at the local level about who does what <br /> maintenance. MNDOT agreements in the same community may differ depending on date <br /> of agreement and location. MNDOT is obviously trying to shift the responsibilities to <br /> others. It appears whoever is the better negotiator does not maintain lights or pay for the <br /> energy. The municipal utilities typically do not have the equipment to maintain these <br /> lights except for bulb replacement, and put them back up if they are knocked down. In <br /> the case of IOU/Co-op communities, MNDOT/County/City either does it themselves or <br /> pays to have it done. <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities pays the energy cost for residential street lights, <br /> semaphores and MNDOT/County lights as part of our payment in lieu of taxes. Most <br /> municipal electric utilities bill for the semaphore and MNDOT lighting energy. The issue <br /> from my perspective is two fold. The first is, should MNDOT lights be funded with tax <br /> dollars because everybody benefits not just the municipal electric customers, or with <br /> electric revenues because the electric utility supplies energy to these lights. The second <br /> is, what is the appropriate level of municipal utility payment in lieu of taxes to the city. <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities currently contributes approximately 5.5% of gross Elk <br /> River electric sales. In 2004, our annual contribution is projected to be 5.84%of gross <br /> Elk River electric sales or$641,760. The national average for payment in lieu of taxes is <br /> approximately 5.8% <br />