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Elk River ---- <br /> Municipal Utilities <br /> 322 King Avenue phone: 763.441.2020 <br /> Elk River,MN 55330 Fax:763.441.8099 <br /> September 4, 2003 <br /> To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br /> John Dietz <br /> Jerry Takle <br /> James Tralle <br /> From: Bryan C. Adams <br /> Subject: Miscellaneous Issues <br /> Enclosed is the packet for the September 9, 2003, commission meeting at 4:00 p.m. <br /> The attached memo from Pat Hemza, reflects some very good news about our health <br /> insurance rate increase. <br /> Also attached are a couple of new articles that are of interest. They are as follows: <br /> a) "Supply, demand drive watering restrictions", from August 20, Pioneer Press. <br /> Our watering restrictions appear to be in line with other communities with year <br /> round, even-odd watering, no watering from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. <br /> b) "Without electricity, digital era turned into the dark ages", from the Wall <br /> Street Journal. Much continues to be written about the large power outage in <br /> Eastern United States. System operations in our area saw voltage and <br /> frequencies changes in the transmissions system as well. It is a scary thought <br /> that the federal government will get to the bottom of the cause. Building more <br /> power plants and transmission lines will go a long way in solving the problem. <br /> More maintenance and testing of relaying scheme by utility companies help as <br /> well. Due to the continued threat of deregulation of our industry, the IOU are <br /> reluctant to invest. This is not helping the situation either. This issue was <br /> discussed at the MMUA summer meeting and the conclusion was blackouts <br /> will continue to happen until the above referenced problems are solved. <br /> As a final note, I have concluded my term as President of MMUA, although I still have 3 <br /> years to serve on the MMUA board. This has been a good experience for me and it has <br /> given Elk River some positive exposure. <br />