Riverfront ` ' "
<br /> �
<br /> revival -,
<br /> (continued) ,.- a f s ��/gA "'ALMS'
<br /> vision for downtown in June. 1K` _ ' �' [;ph ,p, , a 'tt r- r fir-
<br /> Sherman, known for its urban oen a - .. ' ' T') j is f
<br /> redevelopment projects around - , r r 4 th '-z e- 4)k = rn vim'.. rrn"0 r
<br /> the Twin Cities, will only j*,w,
<br /> _ *•
<br /> estate broker Richard Ahern, 'nn - ash t' pv5r ' - . iti '�
<br /> who worked with the city on ar - - -` i-; AR ._ '
<br /> � Cpl
<br /> redevelopment efforts until � -.L....,..- � ,1 ter
<br /> 2003,said he's refined plans and a --- v p� ,,
<br /> will move forward with Bailey's 'k / u a r ` t ( x
<br /> Landing, a hotel, restaurant 0'' rx•i'1 D----�'._ _
<br /> and shopping complex. 91 �� 10, -, �-f .e, .. toi
<br /> Ahern said he has found an [' x}investor, who has purchased ,r - , — +� J;.t '
<br /> some prime downtown real t ` ,:Fi estate that neighbors the city's f . j I+
<br /> property that has been - 4 `. ' ..,. .,� �r°R- �?.--c.-,..
<br /> earmarked for redevelopment. - 'y He, too, said he'll unveil his PHOTOS BY CRAIG BORCK,PIONEER PRESS
<br /> plans in the coming weeks. Nancy Wright,who bought Peddler's Landing in January, is launching a wine shop on Main
<br /> One point where both devel- Street in Hastings.Wright would like to see a farmers' market or flea market open in the city.
<br /> opers can agree: Hastings has
<br /> untapped potential.
<br /> The city of 20,000 is nestled officials, pleased with r>•sF" N ■ ?
<br /> in a crook on the Mississippi, Sherman's redevelopment of a 'V t;
<br /> giving downtown an enviable local historic church, chose to rt :\,,i,
<br /> view of the river and the bridge enter an exclusive agreement If( -4 s
<br /> that spans it. with the Twin Cities firm. -
<br /> Hastings has preserved the Sherman has until October to ,.., «'. A i 1
<br /> waterfront with a park and two sign a development deal with +'
<br /> city blocks of storefronts dat- the city # 4pn 1 r .- / jM
<br /> tY y u E94lin ' i i
<br /> mg back to the 1850s that are The city's choice has not �i i { _ m `. j '
<br /> listed on the National Historic been without controversy. �t tr: ..si 4 �e,,, ` ,', �'ll , 1 "i`�
<br /> Register. Many downtown shopkeepers _s - i' :s 4 _ 1 1 1,,,i,: ,:4,.. tr .
<br /> Since the downtown was fear Sherman will build ;� 'm-- 'ti ti
<br /> designated for redevelopment towering condos that won't '" "" I 'r( rt.
<br /> in 1973, the city has spent draw new business, will strain ,',..9-41t".:77,■
<br /> $1.53 million buying and razing parking and will block the view a +ti ., ' sz t . a � . i'
<br /> industrial riverfront property of the river.Results of a recent *�",■ 9 ,,, a ,°I ' ---..`�-
<br /> with an eye toward new devel- market study the city and .J`' a f 's 1 \ g"
<br /> opment. Sherman commissioned have i- 'll;,I, " I
<br /> "Hastings is way ahead of fueled fears, because it deter- - °' " 1-i!
<br /> thegame,"saidLorenBruegge- mined a hotel project would Dave Muller sold real estate and ran a co-op after moving to
<br /> mann, vice president of devel- lose money. Hastings in 1990 from the Twin Cities. Now the owner of Second
<br /> opment for Sherman Associ- Ronald Craft, who owns Nature Art and Framing on Main Street, Muller says the city is
<br /> ates. "Hasting has a unique Olde Main Street Quality ripe for new restaurants,shops and development.
<br /> character because they have a Antiques & Collectibles, favors
<br /> historical, intact downtown. ... Ahern's plans for a hotel and is
<br /> The land they've acquired and staunchly opposed to a condo Sherman's project,but he'd like shop and has just opened The
<br /> put together is crucial to the project. to include the city's redevelop- Wine Shop. Wright favors
<br /> redevelopment. Acquiring the "I don't think the city has ment land in his project.Ahern smaller downtown fixes such
<br /> property is the most expensive really listened to the people," said he has a franchise agree- as a farmers' market or a flea
<br /> part." said Craft. ment with InterContinential market.
<br /> But Hastings has had bad "What we want to do is Hotels group,which owns Holl- But Barb Hollenbeck, who
<br /> luck with developers,including draw tourists and day- day Inn. Ahern said he wants owns Second Childhood and
<br /> Ahern, who floated plans for trippers," Craft said. "They to build a new boutique-style heads the Downtown Business
<br /> downtown development but have the most disposable inn that InterContinential is Association, is content to let
<br /> couldn't find financing,city offs- income.That's what we want." launching. market forces work to the city's
<br /> cials say. Last year, after the But Sherman's team said "We will be building the advantage.
<br /> city terminated its plans with their pitch will preserve the project with completely private "Competition is not a bad
<br /> Ahern, the mayor and council downtown's character. funds and without any fman- thing," Hollenbeck said. "You
<br /> had a handful of developers "We would work with the cial assistance from the city," are competing with ideas. You
<br /> pitch proposals. character of the downtown," he said. don't have one developer
<br /> "We really went out and Brueggemann said. "You are Some are suspicious of telling you this is your only
<br /> searched for reputable, sound not going to build high-rise Ahern's attempt to squeeze his option.At least,we feel like we
<br /> developers," said Mayor towers and dwarf the down- hotel next to the Sherman have options."
<br /> Michael Werner. town. You need to be sensitive development.
<br /> Ahern, who nas lived just tc;what's there." "It's like coming in the back Shannon Prather-ean be reached
<br /> outside Hastings for 20 years, Ahern said his hotel devel- door," said Nancy Wright, who at sprather @pioneerpress.com
<br /> -made another pitch. But city opment can be built next to owns Peddler's Landing gift or 651-228-5452. 5-2y-d7
<br />