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Wait Till Eight Survey Results <br /> The Wait Till Eight survey was sent to all 7,700 ERMU electric customers with their July <br /> bill. Of that total, 866 were commercial accounts. While the Program targets residential <br /> accounts,commercial accounts received the survey to help "spead the word"even though <br /> we knew few would respond (four were identified). 1,132 surveys were returned as of Aug <br /> 17 for a 16.6% response rate. <br /> The survey had three goals: <br /> To further inform our customers about the importance of curtailing electric use during <br /> peak hours of the day. (A supplement to the brochure sent out in June.) <br /> To determine the readership of our mailers. <br /> To determine the willingness of our customers to voluntarily cut back at peak times. <br /> Results: <br /> Of the total 1,132 surveys returned, 836 (74%) indicated they had seen the Wait Till <br /> Eight brochure. Impossible to determine how that number applies to the other 5,702 that <br /> didn't respond. (The Wait Till Eight brochure was mailed with their June bill.) <br /> Of the 836 who indicated they had seen the brochure, 658 (79%) said they had <br /> implemented at least two of the energy saving ideas listed in the brochure. <br /> While 296 (26%)had not seen the Wait Till Eight brochure, several requested that we <br /> send them oneā€”that was done if they included an address. A number indicated they <br /> did not see the brochure because they new customers. <br /> 296 respondents indicated they participate in our Cycled AC program. Seems high <br /> Many of the respondents added their own tidbits to the survey -these are some of the <br /> more interesting ones: <br /> -"I don't understand the statement"referring to turning up the AC 5 degrees at 5PM. <br /> -"I think your advertising will help people save on electric." <br /> - "I do wonder why the local schools water their fields mid-day, especially when <br /> there are watering restrictions in Elk River." <br /> -"I now only buy energy star appliances." <br /> -"And it didn't do one darn bit of good in my bill." <br /> -"I water on my designated day but it irritates me that businesses water whenever <br /> they want even when it's mining out." <br /> -"Wait Till Eight has Great Ideas!' <br /> - "My bill is always high, it's like I'm doing someone elses bill. Please check." <br /> -"Off-Peak is great. Everyone should use CFLs." <br /> -"I have pets that have to be kept cool or they will die." <br /> -"I would absolutely participate in this whenever I can, I just never read it." <br /> -"My husband is diabetic and can't wait till after eight to eat." <br /> -"Are you kidding?" <br /> -"It was easier for me to learn about Wait Till Eight by reading question 2." <br /> - "Are you running out of garbage to burn?" <br /> -"Bring back your Off-Peak program. Great program!" <br /> -"My husband is an electrician with Xcel so we understand the shortage." <br /> -"My bill is already as low as in can go because my parents taught me to conserve" <br />