Despite drought, piped-in water
<br /> still flows quite freely in Phoenix
<br /> By Steve M. Wilson The cost of water in Phoenix re-
<br /> mains below the national average; a
<br /> PHOENIX — Down here in the typical family pays$19-03 a month (a
<br /> "Land ofQuite a Few Artificial Lakes," penny less than the Minneapolis av-
<br /> we could use a little rain. crage).We have no mandaton water
<br /> How dry is it? Its so dry that the restrictions;if you want to clean your
<br /> coyotes outside of town keep moving driveway with ahose,no problem..lhe
<br /> from one ex-stream to another. swimming pool business is still boom-
<br /> the past live years rank as the dri- ing-Thei Cs been no run on Evian.
<br /> est period in Arizona in more than a
<br /> century.Since this city sits in the hot- WILSON continues on AA11
<br /> test desert in North America,were not - - - -- - -
<br /> exactlyuptooureyebal is in water.But Some M.Wits-on tv assistant editorial page
<br /> drought or no drought, life goes on editor of theAreotua Republic in Phoenu
<br /> here pretty much unchanged. arulafonner city editor al the Star Tribune,
<br /> WILSON from AA1
<br /> If war over water comes, keep your powder dry
<br /> ']hough the sprawling Phoenix area a popular mountain city 120 miles north of thirst or polluted water.AWorld Bank
<br /> has 3.4 million people and ranks as the of here,is in its second year of water re- report notlongago predicted that the 21st
<br /> second-fastest-growing metro region hi strictions and is worried enough to talk century's wars IAA be fought over water.
<br /> the country, it has all the sat it it needs about building its own hugely expensive When the next big water dispute..
<br /> because of the Central Arizona Project pipeline to tap into the Colorado. arises within the United States, it's a
<br /> C(:AP) — a 336-mile system of canals, While most Phoenicians fret more good bet Arizona will he in the middle
<br /> tunnels,pumping stations and pipelines. about the Arizona Diamondbacks'losing of it,just as it was 70 years ago—the last
<br /> II tallies Colorado River water across the season than the drought,most are at least time in American history one state took
<br /> state to Phoenix and Ericson.It was coin- using less water.Tom Babcock,the city's up arms against another. That's when
<br /> pleted in 1993 at a cost of$1 billion,and water conservation coordinator,says the Gov.Benjamin Moeur sent the Arizona
<br /> we want to ll1;111k you for your federal tax biggest savings come in desert landscap- National Guard to the Colorado River,
<br /> dollars,which financed it ing instead of water-loving lawns or oth- during the construction of Parker Dam,
<br /> Arizona also relies on.surface water er,non-native vegetation.People are using to stop California from taking water.
<br /> and groundwater,but without the CAP less water inside homes, too, thanks to A 100-man military unit, riding in
<br /> the state world be trying to tow icebergs low-flow toilets,shower heads and more trucks mounted with machine gams,halt-
<br /> fromAlaska about now. 'The Colorado efficient washing machines. edworkontheproject.Arizona contended
<br /> River's supply is fully subscribed by the Residential water use is a small slice of that the dam was illegal because Congress
<br /> seven states drawing front it and its two the pie.About 80percent of the state's wa- hadn't authorized it.The case went to the
<br /> giant reservoirs,Lakes Powell and Mead, ter goes to farms,parks and golf courses, U.S. Supreme Court, which sided with •
<br /> are far below normal.lint tor at least the though most newer courses use reclaimed Arizona,but Congress then passed a bill.
<br /> next few years,the Colorado is expected water. approving the dam and letting California
<br /> to meet Arizona'sdentand. While the drought's impact on Arizona drink heavily from the river.
<br /> AI izona$smaller towns and rural ar- has been relatively mild,it has the poten- Appreciate those 10,000 lakes,Min-
<br /> eas,which don't get CAP water,have been hat for calamity.Thousands of children nesota.When a war over water breaks
<br /> hit much harder by Ore drought.IIigsraff, at ound the globe die every day because out,you will be well-fortified.
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<br /> William Booth/Washington Post ,
<br /> Lake Powell.the huge reservoir created by the Colorado River's Glen Canyon Dam,Is at Its lowest level since 1973. .
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