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Page 2 <br /> Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br /> May 11,2004 <br /> Patricia Hemza updated the Commission on how well the move to the new location went,and that the Audit <br /> was finished. James Tralle questioned the amount of walk-in customers. Just being at the new location for one <br /> week, staff responded it was too early to tell. <br /> To accommodate the auditor,the audit report was moved to the next agenda item. <br /> 6.1 Review and Consider 2003 Audit <br /> Steve McDonald of ABDO,EICK&MEYERS,LLP went through the audit results with the commission. <br /> He reported on the new GASB #34 government accounting process, and the resulting changes that affect the <br /> Utilities financials. In the Schedule of Findings report there was only one issue of concern and that was the <br /> collateral amount. Steve McDonald then discussed the electric rate structure and the addition of water mains <br /> constructed and paid for by developers that were not previously on the Utilities books. The yearly depreciation <br /> will be substantial because of this newly acquired accounting process. John Dietz asked if there were any <br /> concerns that they should be aware of. Steve responded that he has been auditing the Utilities for several years <br /> and did not see any alarming trend or notice any discrepancies. <br /> John Dietz moved to accept and file 2003 Elk River Municipal Utilities audit,James Tralle seconded the <br /> motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> 5.2 Review and Consider Employee Wage Request <br /> Bryan Adams indicated to the Commission the three issues to be resolved are, salary increase, percentage <br /> of employees contribution to health insurance and proposed crew rest provision. John Dietz commented on the <br /> Utilities wanting to be competitive with the local surrounding pay rates but then they should also compare the <br /> health insurance. He then states he was in favor of the 3.27%wage increase without the health insurance <br /> adjustment but that he was not in favor of the crew rest provision. Discussion followed regarding the need for <br /> crew rest provision. John Deitz asked what the cost per year for this new program would be and Bryan <br /> estimated it to be $2000 to$4000. James Tralle asked if this was a real safety issue with Bryan and Glenn both <br /> replying yes. <br /> James Tralle moved to analyze for 1 year the night call out work and respond to the issue next year. John Deitz <br /> seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> James Tralle moved to approve the 3.27%wage increase for all employees and no change in employee <br /> contribution to health insurance. John Dietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> Bryan Adams asked for an increase in consulting pay for Vance Vehringer. The commission was advised that <br /> he has been paid the same rate for 5 years. <br /> James Tralle moved to approve the pay increase to $35 per hour. John Dietz seconded the motion. Motion <br /> carried 3-0. <br /> 5.3 Review and Consider MMUA Bond Pool <br /> Bryan Adams told the commission that Princeton and Rochester have joined the bond pool. James Tralle <br /> was impressed with the presentation and discussion at the last commission meeting. <br />