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ST. PAUL PIONEER PRESS WWW.TWINC171fS C.OM D4F 1ON <br /> • <br /> CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14A <br /> Town sNAtiskot <br /> homes WHO 8U E <br /> V111 rJ . TOWN HOMES? <br /> '*. ,::, . .First-time buyers <br /> (continued) yp ,, iE= .Empty nesters <br /> "In many areas, town homes r 7„ k s s tr -- .Retirees <br /> have been appreciating at a 1s,� f 4144, .Twc-income (busy) <br /> greater rate that] single-family I eV. households <br /> Manes,” Lockner said, citing fan ?T"` <br /> i eysC is Single professionals <br /> 4yuodbuy, Oakdale and Hud- , <br /> son,Wis. rfk'+ + r <br /> Sehiltz found that to be True 2" ta, �. v' <br /> Ile put his Woodbury town $:/;41;7,1M14't „ such incentives as reduced <br /> home up for sale in August to f ; � putts, free or reduced closing <br /> I ellr to to Milwaukee, where '` :.i ,+. , ;,, , ' st costs ora year's worth ofasso- <br /> lie s shopping (or another one rr: <br /> A # ' .. cy e r ciabun fees. <br /> Ills place took two months to a s `� <br /> ..� fl' 'Up here,we're building a lot <br /> sell, a little longer than expect -74 44.4)` - ' t itx, t}r ' F' <br /> ,� b�t, ,. ,. pa: tC„H „ of homes on speculation,and we <br /> ed. lu the end, he was pleased 1 : t,.s� . <br /> r � } _ ��.�; , need to keel) turning these <br /> will)the 3(1 percent appreciation ' "'` r °.; homes,” said Paul of D.R. flor- <br /> in pi iCe. .. ton. — <br /> "I got my asking price;" he L .t Scott Sim vice president of <br /> said In this day and age,that's _ 41, , 4-4' e-4 sales for Pulte Homes Mtnneso- <br /> great -- especially ally with the ,a?'t•., '� ." La division,�. � � n, s ud the Michigan <br /> of mdmtin" "' , ,S�, x '°#' ex r . based company has goals to I <br /> av . y 'sy�* r` `v, ` ';' sfi , - meet. "From our perspective, <br /> .,,LITER-RING PHEN0MS ‘,11,{4# .4xti 4, 0°t �* 4-;.'.4'.'2`.::. <br /> r 'kv "'a `a we're a publicly traded compa <br /> `ii,¢ ", ' w�� *a 7 9,a, c. ivy, so there's always n interest <br /> 1 mew t <br /> �]�ghat are the east metro hot ,' in •lotto our unnther s;'he said. <br /> V V its for town home con A ,r i 'w ;�.� i. "We offer (incentives) totally <br /> sti ucbon? ,,; s r. s s"� ax s out of a response to market con- <br /> Blaine.Apple Valley and For- ,�,r i t <br /> � �. ,:,,,!,:,..,,,,4,,.. ddtons ' said Bob Swanick, <br /> est Lake ranked among the top ' �<W,1 .r iff' regional vice president of Mori <br /> t0 cites in town hone penmds h 'i t,.. • <br /> da based Or1ui Thompson <br /> between 2000 and 20(13, accord t' ' ( x homes. "We're accustomed to a <br /> tug t o t he Mclropohtan Council. 1. - higher number of sales. When <br /> Olhei s ill I.he top In were in :74-,.17,64,144,-,.....a we don't meet our objectives,we <br /> the west metro area Mean "t . " a offer Incentives. ' <br /> VI Rosemount, Cottage ",4' Despite the current incen- <br /> GI ove, fl ustings, Lakeville, Still- C'` tives, experts say the predicted <br /> water and Woodbury ranked in CHRIS POLYDOROEF,PIONEER PRESS population increase in the area <br /> the top 20 for town home Sue and Ron Swanson moved into their Cottage Grove town will continue to create demand <br /> per mils. home last month after a foot injury made living in their old five- for town homes. <br /> In Apple Valley,75 percent of level home impossible for Sue. <br /> new construction consists of (hut SitaraIIiatl curb be reached <br /> town homes, apaftments and In Apple Valley, her husband,Ron,were starling at flsitaromdulreirpiorreer <br /> condos, said Rick Kelley, coin- to consider retirement and press.corr or G51-228 5472. <br /> mainly development director. 75 percent decided the time was right for a <br /> The demand for attached town home. <br /> housing is high because Apple Ot tie\v construction They had no trouble finding — <br /> Valley still has a relatively large one. Their new Pine Arbor <br /> pet cent age of single-family consists of address in Cottage Grove is only <br /> homes, Kelley said. "It's a con- half a mile from their home of 30 <br /> bitiatinn of lifestyle choice and tOW'ii [tomes, years. <br /> cost,"he said. "I like the idea of living on <br /> tuilders think that the lower ■ parilllcnts ah(a CO11(105. one level. I can move from one <br /> xxis of entry-level (( mil room to the next, and cleaning <br /> homes will keep drawing first- sized at Town&Country's latest is a lot easier,"she said. <br /> Inuebnyetswellintothefuture. development, called Heritage <br /> "More people can get into Square, under construction in ADDED INCENTIVES <br /> their first home this way," said Maplewood, Nelson said. <br /> Stephen Paul, vice president of "'They're laid out with a lot '[tor those interested in buying <br /> the p1innesota division of Texas- more storage than most town 1� a town home, now could be <br /> based 1).R. Morton, a leading homes." she said. They have the time, because some leading <br /> builder of town homes in the the feel of a home:' builders didn't anticipate slow- _ <br /> state. "Instead of paying rent, Whatever the look, those ing home sales in recent months <br /> Hwy)e building equity. and that who live in town homes can and are offering deals in sub- <br /> will enable them to buy their attest to the convenience. tabs including Maplewood, <br /> nexthnnw.' After Sue Swanson hurt her Hastings, Lakeville, Farmington <br /> foot 18 months ago,she realized and Woodbury. <br /> STYLES DIFFER she could no longer walk up and Cold weather and the boll- <br /> down the stairs of her five-story days also see fewer sales. 'Po <br /> r to please baby boomers, Collage Grove home. She and entice buyers, builders offer <br /> 1 retirees and younger first- <br /> time buyers, the styles of townm — - - - <br /> homes are evolving with more <br /> variety, said 'Tanury Nelson, a <br /> spokeswoman tot- Illinois-based <br /> Tow n&Country homes. <br /> Storage space will lie empha- <br />