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Page 3 <br /> Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br /> ebruary 10, 2004 <br /> 6.2 Review & Consider Front-End Loader Purchase <br /> The purchase of a front-end loader/forklift, as a 2004 budget item was discussed. The original plan was <br /> to purchase a used front end loader. After researching many equipment options, and searching for a used <br /> piece of equipment, it became apparent that finding a quality item is not possible at this time. Bryan Adams <br /> advised that the present Bobcat is in need of clutch repair. The company offering the sale of a new Case <br /> 521 DXT from state bid is willing to take the bobcat trade-in at $3,000.00, which is less than if it had been in <br /> good repair. John Dietz asked if the front-end loader would be used specifically at the plant site, or if it <br /> would go out on jobs. Staff answered that it would move to job sites. Bryan Adams stated that he had <br /> spoken with City maintenance crews regarding the purchase, and that their opinion is that the new Case 521 <br /> DXT would be a good choice. <br /> Jerry Takle moved to buy the Case 521 DXT from state bid, using reserves for the difference <br /> between the budget guideline, and the actual purchase. John Dietz seconded the motion. <br /> Motion carried 2-0. <br /> 6.3 Review & Consider Electric Service Territory Change <br /> Commission and Staff reviewed the process of territory acquisition. Staff asks for authorization to <br /> purchase area 23, and to trade certain acres with Connexus to avoid building additional lines, and to make <br /> acquisition more efficient. A brief question, and answer discussion followed. <br /> Jerry Takle moved to purchase Area 23, and a portion of Area 22, to encompass the area in <br /> Woodland Hills. John Dietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0. <br /> 6.4 Review & Consider Commercial Lighting Program Cap <br /> Commission and Staff reviewed a memo from Vance Zehringer regarding Commercial CIP rebates, <br /> which results in substantial energy savings for commercial accounts. The cost of the retrofitting of <br /> commercial lighting system could potentially deplete the rebate account by one or two large customers. It is <br /> recommended that the policy be amended to limit the rebate of commercial CIP rebates to $10,000.00 per <br /> year, and that no rebate should be awarded if simple payback without rebate, is less than one year. <br /> Jerry Takle moved to accept the recommendation to limit the CIP rebate for retrofitting lighting, or <br /> replacing motors to not exceed $10,000 per customer per year, not to exceed 50% of the total project cost, <br /> and no rebate to be awarded if simple payback (Total Project Cost/Annual Power Cost Savings) without <br /> rebate, is less than one year. John Dietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0. <br />