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Fewer Children, <br /> Rising Incomes <br /> The percentage of families <br /> :fj with children age 18 and uric' <br /> - is declining, from 56% in 197u <br /> ' tfr to about 44% now and 41% b} <br /> 2010. By 2010, 46 million fami- <br /> a� lies will have no children at <br />• 412.t 1 ' home, up from 35 million now <br /> sj1 HOUSEHOLD SIZE dipped to <br /> 4. <br /> 3 under three people in the earl: <br /> mai 1970s. It now averages 2.6 and <br /> fliL175r3:t.lx.lj9 <br /> as as <br /> ,., r � , ?nr is likely to stay at that level for <br /> m w a decade or so. <br /> "r <" INCOME is heading up modest- <br /> ly, on average, after inflation. <br /> TOP COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN ARE CHANGING. Although So is the number of two-income households. Average <br /> Mexico has been the main source of new immigrants household income, which was $76,700 in 2002, is ex- <br /> during the past 20 years and is likely to remain so, pected to be $89,400 by 2010 and $106,000 by 2030. <br /> Asian countries—China, the Philippines and Viet- <br /> nam—have replaced western Europe and Canada as Moving West and South <br /> the other leading sources of foreign-born residents. Population growth continues to be strongest in the <br /> South and West, a trend that has been occurring for <br /> More Household Formations decades. California,Texas and Florida can expect to <br /> The number of new households in the U.S. will grow add the most people from now to 2010—nearly 10 <br /> about 1.3% annually in the years just ahead, reflect- million total. <br /> ing births in the 1980s. <br /> The pace of household formations is increasing as SHIFTS IN POLITICAL POWER reflect the changes in <br /> children of the baby boomers—the echo-boomers— population. The South and West continue to gain <br /> leave home to set up their own households. seats in the House of Representatives at the expense <br /> of the Northeast and Midwest. <br /> 7.8 MILLION NEW HOUSEHOLDS are going to be formed In addition to the big three—California,Texas <br /> from 2004 to 2010, according to estimates from the and Florida—other fast-growing states likely to gain <br /> National Association of Home Builders. The result is House seats in 2010 and/or 2020 are Arizona, Neva- <br /> more people needing a place to buy or rent plus pur- da, Colorado, Georgia and North and South Carolins <br /> chasing furniture, appliances and other household States likely to lose include New York, Pennsylvania, <br /> goods. By 2010, the nation will have nearly 120 mil- Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. <br /> lion households. <br /> A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: The U.S. constitutes less that <br /> SINGLES make up a larger share of the population 5% of the world's population. Even as it grows, the <br /> today, including divorced people, people choosing not U.S. population will decline as a percentage of world <br /> to marry or to delay marriage, single-parent families, population. About 98% of the rise in world popula- <br /> widows and widowers and singles who live together as tion in the next 25 years will occur in less developed <br /> roommates or otherwise. countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. <br /> Immigration will make the U.S. one of the few dt <br /> AND THERE ARE MORE BLENDED FAMILIES, mostly di- veloped countries to add population between now <br /> vorced and remarried parents,often living with chil- and 2025. Barring a major influx of immigrants, Japa <br /> dren and stepchildren in the same household. and most of Europe will lose population. <br /> 1.4 I The Kiplinger Letter • <br />