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ERMU/GRE <br /> March 6, 2013 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 3. Operations. Testing. Reporting and Environmental Compliance: <br /> GRE will have the right to report the active units as Behind the Meter Generation (BTMG) in <br /> MISO's Module E and utilize the active units as Local Resource Zone 1 Zonal Resource <br /> Credits (ZRC)for resource adequacy compliance. <br /> a. The UCAP ratings will be updated by GRE as needed to reflect all MISO rules and <br /> adjustments applicable to the active units including the quarterly results of the <br /> Generating Availability Data System (GADS) report as provided by ERMU to GRE, <br /> which must also satisfy MISO reporting requirements. <br /> b. ERMU must also provide GRE with the annual Generator Verification Test Capability <br /> (GVTC) results no later than October 1 of each year. <br /> ERMU is solely responsible for the operation, maintenance, testing and environmental <br /> compliance of all four generation units and shall have the right to operate the units at any <br /> time provided that such operation: <br /> c. Shall not conflict with any provision of any electric supply contract between Connexus <br /> Energy and ERMU; and <br /> d. Shall not be used to reduce ERMU's electric load during GRE's monthly capacity billing <br /> peak hour. <br /> ERMU shall use prudent utility practice to ensure the active units are available for operation <br /> during the entire MISO Planning Year. ERMU shall be obligated to operate the active units <br /> as directed by MISO to GRE for up to five separate 4-hour periods during the months of <br /> June through September of each Planning Year, or as required by MISO for BTMG <br /> resources used for resource adequacy reporting. The active units must be started as soon <br /> as possible, but no later than four(4) hours, after GRE notifies ERMU to start. <br /> 4. Capacity payment: For the active units that GRE is able to register as capacity resources in <br /> MISO's Module E, GRE will pay ERMU a capacity payment each month that is equal to the <br /> sum of the then effective ZRC amounts multiplied by $0.20/kW-month. <br /> 5. Energy payment: Prior to the start of each month, ERMU will provide written notice to GRE <br /> of the estimated production cost per kilowatt-hour ($/kWh) for the active units during the <br /> month ("Energy Price"). ERMU may revise such Energy Price any time within the month <br /> upon written notice to GRE, provided such revision shall only apply to energy production <br /> occurring more than two (2)days after such notice is received by GRE. <br /> a. GRE shall pay ERMU 110% of the effective Energy Price multiplied by the actual energy <br /> (kWh) produced by the active units during times when operation is requested by GRE, <br /> and for one GVTC test each calendar year. <br /> b. ERMU shall be responsible for and pay all costs associated with owning and maintaining <br /> the units, including the cost of other testing, and operation not required for testing. <br /> 6. MISO capacity markets: GRE shall have the right to offer the active units into any current or <br /> future MISO capacity markets and retain any revenue received related to the participation of <br /> the active units in such capacity markets. <br /> 7. MISO energy and ancillary services markets: None of the units are currently eligible to <br /> participate in MISO's energy markets or ancillary services markets and will not be offered <br /> into these markets during the term of this agreement. The parties agree to discuss additional <br /> amendments to the contract in the event that any units become eligible to participate in <br /> these MISO markets. <br />