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City Council Minutes <br />Tut - lr?j <br />Page 3 <br />• Councilrnember Gumphrex- asked if the neighboring residents had their questions ansv,-ered. <br />'1r. Barnhart stated their questions had been alsxx-ered as they were mainly- concerned -x-ith <br />what would be built on the vacant land portion of the propert, . <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER MOTIN AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER ZERWAS TO APPROVE REQUEST BY ROBERT <br />STUTTGEN FOR A LOT SPLIT, CASE NO. LS 12 -03, WITH THE FOLLOWING <br />CONDITION: <br />1. THE SUBDIVISION DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE <br />CITY IN AN ELECTRONIC FORMAT (.DWG FILE) AS REQUIRED <br />BY CITY ORDINANCE AND LAND USE APPLICATION. <br />MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. <br />8.1 Visioning Update <br />�Ir. Barnhart presented the staff report. <br />Councilmember Gumphrey asked if the visioning tasks are staring current and completed in <br />a timely matter. <br />Mr. Barnhart stated he felt the visioning is staying on task but explained some of the goals <br />are ongoing, require a culture shift, or have a direct impact to the budget. <br />• Councilmember Motin asked if perhaps some of the goals should be considered as subtasks <br />to bigger goals. Mr. Barnhart agreed that at some point, the Council and staff could identify <br />subtasks. <br />Mr. Barnhart stated that the Council will discuss 2012/2014 goals and tasks at the August <br />worksession. <br />8.2 Storm Water Utility Fee <br />Mr. Femrite introduced Stan Hanson, P.E. a consultant from Stantec, who presented the <br />feasibility report via a PowerPoint presentation to the Council. The study outlined the city's <br />existing Storm Water Management program, and outlined the current and future funding of <br />the city's storm water program. Mr. Hanson explained that storm water regulations have <br />significantly increased in the past 10 years due to increased permitting regulations from the <br />United States Environmental Protection Agency as well as the Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency WC-,k). <br />Mr. Hanson recommended to the city that in order to cover the increase in future storm <br />water cleanup costs and upkeep, that it create a Storm Water Utility Fee. This fee would be <br />charged to both residents and businesses. Mr. Hanson suggested charging this fee based <br />upon the amount of runoff generated from a property, thus the area of impervious surface <br />coincides to the volume of storm water generated from the property. The larger the <br />property's buildings and parking lots, the greater the volume of storm water, resulting in <br />increased cost to provide water quality treatment. By charging a monthly fee, there would be <br />• dedicated fund to assist in maintenance of these ponds. He then showed figures of other <br />Minnesota cities that charge a fee and what their fees were. <br />