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7. EDSR 06-11-2012
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EDA Packets
7. EDSR 06-11-2012
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7/20/2012 11:28:20 AM
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6/8/2012 10:45:56 AM
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Marketing Materials <br />We have redesigned all economic development marketing materials to incorporate the brand and to create <br />cohesion. Material included in the folder are the business finance toolkit, a community profile, a <br />homeowners toolkit, a map of business sites, a flyer of key development areas highlighting available lots <br />in Northstar Business Park and Nature's Edge Business Center, and a restaurant marketing piece. Staff <br />will continue to incorporate the new themes in future marketing materials to maintain cohesion. If you <br />would like additional copies of any of the materials, please let us know. <br />Arts Alliance Sponsorship <br />At the May 14 meeting, the EDA authorized staff to work with the Elk River Area Arts Alliance to <br />negotiate a $1,000 sponsorship for ArtSoup. The economic development department will sponsor the <br />main tent at the 2012. event. The sponsorship will include signage and a booth at the event as well as logo <br />placement on any promotional materials. <br />Brand Brochure <br />Staff is working to design an informational brochure about the community brand to be distributed at the <br />Elk River liquor stores. Employees often receive questions because of the logo's visibility within the <br />store, on bags, at local businesses and through various community organizations. The piece will- explain <br />how Elk River is powered by nature while showcasing many opportunities Elk River: has to offer.. <br />EDA Available Sites <br />The street department will. create lot signs utilizing the brand to advertise available lots in Northstar <br />Business Park and Nature's Edge Business. Center. We anticipate the signs to be displayed. by the end. of <br />June. <br />Data Center Summit <br />Staff worked with Elk River Municipal Utilities and Sherburne County to advertise at the Minnesota Real <br />Estate Journal's High Performance Space and Data Center Summit. We provided marketing materials <br />highlighting Elk River's competitive advantages in recruiting data centers to everyone at the. conference. <br />Additionally, staff had a booth at the event and spoke to several attendees about data center <br />development. <br />Photo Contest <br />The Elk River Star News and city staff are working together to hold a photo contest. The contest will <br />seek photographers to capture and submit their best photo depicting what Elk River is about. -The <br />finalists will have their photos on display in the Lions Park Center during the 4t'' of July celebration. <br />Visitors will have a chance to vote for their favorite picture and the winner will be given a prize. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />• Economic development marketing materials (to be provided at meeting) <br />Action Motion by Second by Vote <br />FOllow Up <br />
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