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City Council Minutes <br />.~pri19, 2012 <br />Page 3 <br />• Tim Steinbeck, Great River Energy -stated that the resource recovers facility is slowly <br />recovering waste but is still below their goal. <br />Commissioner Petersen questioned if the city- and township clean-up events can be required <br />to haul to the recovery facility. Ms. Haug stated that the city is hosting its clean-up event at <br />the resource recovers- facility this 3-ear but that agreements were in place for previous clean- <br />up events that required the haulers to bring the waste to the recovery facility. Mr. Lucas <br />indicated that information was sent to area townships and cities outlining the opportunity to <br />bring waste to the recovery facility rather than the landfill. <br />Potential City/County Collaboration Oppo~2unitier <br />Mayor Dietz questioned if there are additional opportunities for the Police and Sheriff <br />Departments to share resources. Chief Rolfe explained that the two departments are already <br />sharing many resources and have a great working relationship. <br />Mayor Dietz questioned if the county audits the gravel tax. Mr. Bensen explained that the <br />auditor requires the gravel haulers to submit statements and that staff is able to review aerial <br />photographs using the GIS system which can indicate how much gravel has been removed. <br />Mayor Dietz stated that the city has used the county's assessing services for many 5-ears and <br />he believes the arrangement is working out great. <br />Mayor Dietz questioned the status of the County Fair. Chair Farber explained that there <br />hasn't been any additional discussion on moving the fair. Commissioner Schmiesing <br />• indicated that the fair is struggling and it would be helpful for people from Elk River to get <br />involved on the fair board. Commissioner Riebel stated that Mr. Hals has done a <br />tremendous job of assisting with fair preparation. He indicated it may be helpful to get the <br />Chamber of Commerce or local businesses involved as well. <br />Other Items of Mutual Interest <br />Ms. Riddle provided an update on the extension of the Great Northern Trail to Princeton. <br />Councilmember Zerwas questioned the status of the employee clinic. Mr. Bensen stated that <br />the county decided against putting in a pharmacy due to the complexity of the process. He <br />added that the county offers many health and wellness activities for their employees and <br />have realized premium savings for the last three years because of these programs. Mayor <br />Dietz explained that when the Council met jointly with the school district, they discussed <br />exploring an employee clinic and they would be willing to partner with the county and the <br />city on the project. <br />Mayor Dietz indicated that the possibility of a centralized print shop was also discussed <br />when the city and school board met jointly. <br />Commissioner Petersen explained that Sherburne County is involved with the Greater MSP <br />group supporting economic development. He stated that the city may be receiving a <br />questionnaire from them and encouraged staff xo respond appropriately. <br />Mayor Dietz asked for an update on the Great River Regional Library Board. Ms. Leonard, <br />the county representative on the Board, provided an update. <br />• The Council thanked the County Board for taking the time to come and meet jointly. <br />