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s~ <br />P~~~~ P~~ee 1Nc. <br />P.O. Box 390, EI k River, M l~l 55330 <br />1 am proposing to set up a temporary greenhouse structure- in the Coborn`s <br />parking lot for the purpose of selling garden supplies. We have been in this <br />community for over 20 years and believe we provide a valued service. <br />Hours of operation will be Monday -Saturday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday <br />9 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will be open late April through early July weather permitting. <br />1 believe the approximate number of parking stalls we use is ZO-25 spaces. We <br />locate on the outer edge of the loft in order to stay out of the main traffic flow. <br />We hire approximately 8-10 employees. <br />Thank you, <br />fim Schroer, President/Owner <br />763-441-8022 <br />