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ORD 02-002
City Government
City Council
Council Ordinances
2000 - 2009
ORD 02-002
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6/3/2002 8:07:43 PM
City Government
ZC 02-01
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. . <br /> III Affidavit of Publication <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br /> )ss. <br /> ORDINANCE 02-2 COUNTY OF SHERBURNE) <br /> CITY OF ELK RIVER <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING r^ <br /> THE CITY.OF ELK RIVER' P I i 7 +-e 1 `n ` S , <br /> ZONING <br /> ERTA N PROPERTIES O TO REZONE <br /> being duly sworn, on oath says that he/she is the publisher <br /> CERTAIN PROPERTIES g y <br /> FROM RID(SINGLE FAMILY or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the <br /> RESIDENTIAL)TO R3(TOWN <br /> HOME DISTRICT) newspaper known as the Elk River Star News, and has full <br /> CASE NO.ZC 02-01 <br /> The City Council of the City of knowledge of the facts which are stated below: <br /> Elk River does hereby ordain as fol- <br /> lows: A) The newspaper has complied with all the <br /> Section 1. The duly adopted requirements constituting qualification as a qualified <br /> Zoning Map of the City of Elk River <br /> is hereby amended to rezone the newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, <br /> properties described as: <br /> EXHIBIT A 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amended. <br /> The Southeast Quarter of the 0 <br /> Northwest Quarter of Section 2, B) The printed �/ L'c't_L _O ______ <br /> Township 32,Range 26,except that <br /> part thereof as follows: <br /> Commencing at the northeast tor- which is attached was cut from the columns of said <br /> ner of said Southeast Quarter of the <br /> Northwest Quarter; thence on an newspaper, and was printed and published once each <br /> assumed bearing of South 1 degree <br /> 17 minutes 13 seconds West, along week, for i successive weeks; it was first published <br /> the East Line thereof,a distance of on Wednesday, the 1 3 it- day of M�ock <br /> 430.84•feet to the actual point of , <br /> beginning of the land to be 20 Oa , and was thereafter printed and published every <br /> • described;thence North 88 degrees — <br /> 42 minutes 47 seconds West a dis- Wednesday to and including Wednesday, the <br /> tone of 272.86 feet; thence <br /> Southwesterly a distance of 67.79 day of , 20 ; and printed below <br /> feet along a nontangential curve is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both <br /> concave to the Northwest having a py P <br /> radius of 330.00 feet, a central inclusive, which is hereby acknowledged as being the size <br /> angle of 11 degrees'46 minutes 12 <br /> seconds and a chord of said curve and kind of type used in the composition and publication <br /> bears South 58 degrees 17 minutes <br /> 28 seconds West; thence South- of the notice. <br /> westly and Southerly,a distance of <br /> 406.12 feet along a reverse curve <br /> concave to the Southeasthavinga abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz <br /> radius a a47004 <br /> awt the chord__ <br /> fit. <br /> iii_i, <br /> ors,.. <br /> bears S +sse All isisisaust BY <br /> l Wag; or Brack X TITLE: 1 e IN V 2�` IQ F <br /> dairse <br /> 17 IS Sider* , <br /> tangent to said enure,a itassoraf <br /> 152.65 feet; thence Southerly, <br /> Southeasterly and Easterly a dis- Subscribed and sworn to before me on this �3 day of <br /> tance of 269.78 feet along a tangen- <br /> tial curve concave to the Northeast N) 'e C.t V\ , 20 OD- . <br /> having a radius of 170.00 feet and • <br /> a central angle of 90 degrees 55 I • <br /> minutes 36 seconds; thence South I I• <br /> 89 degrees 38 minutes 23rseconds ,aa _: Y l <br /> East, tangent to said curve, a dis- Notary Public €,,ti fVQ ,p� SChII�g/E,�c -, <br /> tance of 111.57 feet;thence Easterly •w C,,. UByr <br /> and Southeasterly a distance of Ore Ml`vi fS <br /> 69.74 feet along a tangential`curve RATE INFORMATION SJan°31'200.5- ' <br /> concave to the Southwest having a <br /> radius of 105.00 feet and a central . <br /> (1) Lowest classified rate paid by <br /> angle of 38 degrees 03 minutes 15 19 '1%--) <br /> JO seconds;thence North 38 degrees 24 commercial users for comparable space $ l "� <br /> minutes 52 seconds East, not tan- <br /> gent to said curve, a distance of (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for <br /> 218.84 feet;thence South 89 degrees $ 119' Q(0 <br /> 38 minutes 23 seconds East a dis- the above matter <br /> tance of 49.54 feet to the East line of (3) Rate actually charged for the r� <br /> said Southwest Quarter of the $ I I /Q OC/ <br /> Northwest Quarter;thence North 1 above matter O� W <br /> degree 17 minutes 13 seconds East, <br /> along said East line a distance of <br /> 533.02 feet to the point of begin- <br /> ning. <br />
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