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in deeper horizons of the outwash deposit. As previously noted the P304C well is <br />screened 40-50 below the groundwater surface and located more than 500 feet <br />from an unlined area of the landfill. Landfill gas effects aze more common for <br />water table wells in proximity to unlined landfill azeas. The results for gas probe, <br />GP-17 which is located directly adjacent to P304C, show no detectable levels of <br />methane for monitoring conducted in recent years. Tetrahydrofuran and ethyl <br />ether, which are signature parameters for leachate impacts for PC17C, show <br />increasing trends. The evidence for P304C indicates that leachate impacts are <br />also occurring. <br />P314C is located in a sidegradient orientation to P304C and the source <br />area for groundwater at P314C may involve more extensive contamination. The <br />screen position for neazby well P303C is roughly 20 feet in elevation above the <br />screen elevation for P314C and may be missing potential contamination in the <br />deeper portion of the outwash at this location. ERL must conduct additional <br />contaminant investigation and monitoring in the vicinity of P304C, P320 and an <br />azea southeast of P314C. This approach is supported with emphasis on evaluating <br />the deeper outwash. <br />14.) .Dust Noise. and Odor. Fugitive dust emissions off-site shall be controlled <br />at the Landfill Site as necessary by undertaking the following: road surfaces <br />within the Landfill Site shall be wetted with water or an appropriate chemical <br />whenever off-site dust levels become unreasonable as determined by the City <br />Environmental Administrator. Dust pollutives shall be utilized to the extent (,, <br />necessary on cover material such as stockpiles to reduce wind erosion as well as <br />on other exposed surfaces as appropriate. Cover compaction and revegetation <br />activities shall be undertaken promptly on the completion of various fill areas and <br />vegetative cover capable of quick growth shall be utilized. Plantings of bushes <br />and trees shall be installed if needed to buffer the Landfill Site and minimize wind <br />erosion. <br />All equipment and vehicles utilized at the Landfill Site shall be <br />periodically inspected and maintained to minimize noise. Vegetative barriers <br />along the boundaries of the Landfill Site shall be utilized to minimize off-site <br />noise impacts. Applicable state standards for noise pollution may not be exceeded <br />by the Landfill operation, equipment, vehicles, or machinery. <br />Licensee agrees that it will use best management practices to control against <br />odors. The Environmental Administrator may make recommendations regarding <br />possible odor controls. If a verified odor problem is ongoing, both parties agree <br />to institute good faith negotiations to minimize the odor problem. If in the event <br />that the City receives ten or more complaints within asix-hour period relating to a <br />single odor description and this odor complaint has been verified by both City and <br />Licensee and identified as coming from the Facility, the Licensee shall cease such <br />activity(s) that are the direct cause of the odor(s). Normal activity(s) shall not <br />18 <br />