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EXHIBIT A <br />That art of the Southwest uarter of Section 3 Townshi 33 Ran e 26 Sherburne Count MN • <br />P Q ~ p ~ g Y~ <br />lying south of the South line of the North 525.00 ft. thereof, and lying west of U.S. Highway No. <br />169; and that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 33, <br />Range 26, said county, lying south of the South line of the North 525.00 ft. thereof, and lying <br />east of the former Great Northern Railroad, all lying north of the following described line: <br />Beginning at the intersection of said South line of the North 525.00 ft. with the West right of way <br />line of U.S. Highway No. 169; thence South 07 degrees 30 minutes 44 seconds East, assuming <br />said South line of the North 525..00 ft. of said Southwest Quarter bears South 89 degrees 47 <br />minutes 13 seconds East, a distance of 633.89 ft.; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 <br />seconds West, a distance of 2394.80 ft. to intersect the easterly right of way line of said former <br />Great Northern Railroad. <br />GP:3041148 v2 <br />• <br />• <br />6 <br />