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11, Changing the designation of a portion of the Tiller Property from Mining to <br />ti n of an amendment to the <br />Landfill on the Land Use Map requires the approval and adop o <br />Comprehensive Plan by the City Council, as provided by Minnesota Statutes. <br />12. The Comprehensive Plan states that it should not be amended capriciously and <br />that the following questions should be considered when changes to the Comprehensive Plan are <br />proposed: <br />• Is the project consistent with the Land Use Plan? <br />• Does the project move Elk River towards its vision for the future? <br />Is the project consistent with the policies contained the Comprehensive Plan? <br />13. Policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan which are relevant to the Application <br />include: <br />• Provide a balanced land use pattern which supports a sustainable mix of jobs and <br />• housing. <br />• Guide the scale of development to be consistent with the surrounding land uses <br />and general character. <br />• Guide commercial land use to areas that can utilize anappropriately-designed <br />transportation system without infringing upon residential neighborhoods. <br />• Allow commercial areas to develop when they can be designed to be compatible <br />with surrounding land uses. <br />• Include adequate buffering of commercial and industrial developments and <br />adjacent to non-compatible land uses. <br />• Require adequate transition of buffers between differing, non-compatible land <br />uses, making use of natural land characteristics, whenever possible. <br />• Require development of proposals to consider the impacts on transportation and <br />natural systems beyond the boundaries of the individual projects. <br /> <br />-5- <br />