Laserfiche WebLink
communications of a discriminatory or harassing nature, derogatory to an individual or <br />group, obscene, or which aze of a defamatory or threatening nature. £~ailSuch <br />communications should not be used for "chain letters" or for any purpose which is illegal; <br />or against Utilities policy, <br /> <br />Employees must respect other people's electronic communications. Employees <br />may not obtain unauthorized access to another's a-mail or voice-mail messages, except <br />pursuant to direction from a Utilities manager for the purposes specified above. <br />~- Employees may not use the a-mail or voice-mail systems in a way that causes <br />congestion on the systems or that significantly interferes with another employee's ability <br />to use the systems. <br />(' :N .R i, GUIDELINES APPLICABLE TO ~E <br />rt~rmcnwrr~m r n,r~n ~>`rn urnur nn au~cxrc8 <br />In general, the Utilities encourages the use of `~.~ e-mail and other <br />• available electronic communications with residents, consultants, and <br />others as a means of providing services more effectively and <br />efficiently. Internet a-mail is provided and is intended for the <br />Utilities' business use. <br />Tact counts. <br />Humor mieht not word _ Attempts at humor in electronic <br />~mmunications are especially difficult to carry off successfully, so_be <br />careful and "when in doubt leave it out " Take extra steps to make <br />your intent clear iii written communications. <br />Never gossip, d~n't_provide confidential personal information about <br />yourself or someone else, and refrain from emotional responses. <br />G--~-=;houkfDo not communicate with residents, consultants or <br />others using r~=.~-e-mail without first obtaining their consent_to <br />/3 <br />A4a-v~FilN <br />1'Eober 201 / <br />