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Page 3 <br />Regulaz meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />August 9, 2011 <br />to detemtine ERMU's options. The ERMI_J 2011 budget included $100,000 to begin retrofitting the <br />engines. Troy Adams said he would bring back this topic and give an update at a fixture meeting. <br />5.3 Review the 2011 Budget Schedule, Travel and Training Budget, and <br />Dues/Subscriptions/Fees Budget <br />Troy Adams reviewed the Travel and Training Budget and the Dues/Subscription/Fees <br />projected for 2012. Troy Adams also talked about MMPA and the similarities ERMI_I has with the <br />members. More information will be provided at a future meeting. <br />5.4 Al Nadeau said he has talked with staff and is very concerned over the loss of a couple of <br />linemen because of the pay rates. He talked about the substantial cost associated with the training of <br />the lineman. Losing good quality people on a program where ERMU is falling behind on salary rates <br />needs to be looked at. He said he understands the economy but thinks it is important make a plan to <br />get back on track with the competitive wages so ERMU can keep quality people. John Dietz and <br />Daryl Thompson had no wmments at this time. <br />6.1 Staff Uudates <br />Troy Adams said ERMU has received letters of thanks from Princeton and Connexus for mutual <br />aid after the recent storms. Troy Adams also discussed the recent outage ERMU had due to the <br />storms, the communication with outside staff and office staff helped to define the outage azeas to <br />make the repairs go smoothly. The meter shop recently discovered an issue at the Otsego substation, <br />the problem was caught before a major outage occurred. <br />6.2 Set Date for Next Meeting <br />The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission will be <br />Tuesday, September 13, 2011, at 3:30 p.m. <br />6.3 Adioum Regular Meeting <br />John Dietz moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities <br />Commission meeting at 4:55 p.m. Daryl Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carved 3-0. <br />