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• Specific minimum requirements that recipients must meet in order to be eligible to <br />receive business subsidies. Beyond the minimum criteria required by law, under the City's <br />Business Subsidy Policy recipients will also be required to meet the City's specific <br />guidelines fox the particular form of subsidy being requested. <br />Specific wage floor for the wages to be paid for the jobs created ox retained. The wage <br />floor may be stated as a specific dollar amount ox may be stated as a formula that will <br />generate a specific dollar amount In 2002 the City established a wage floor of $15.00 per <br />hour exclusive of benefits for new or retained jobs. <br />Issues for Discussion <br />Staff requests the EDA's direction on the following Business Subsidy Policy issues: <br />1. Should the City establish a specific employment goal to qualify for a particular subsidy <br />amount (in the form of a specific dollar amount of assistance per job created)? If so, what level <br />of assistance the City expect fox job creation? <br />The following employment criteria curxenfly exist within the respective city policies: <br />• Tax Increment Finance Pohcv <br />o Economic Development Districts -Creation of 1 full-time job per $25,000 of TIF <br />• Tax Abatement Policy <br />o No specific job criteria, although most recently staff has administered the Tax <br />Abatement proposals based on a level of $25,000 of assistance (future value) per <br />new job to be created as a result of the project. <br />• Economic Development Micro-Loans <br />o Industrial Incentive Pxogxam Loans up to $75,000 <br />- 1 full-time job per $20,000 loaned with a minimum average wage of <br />$10.00 per hour excluding benefits required by law. <br />o Industrial Incentive Program Loans over $75,000 <br />- Shall meet the job and wage requirements of the City's Business Subsidy <br />Policy. <br />o Redevelopment Program Loans up to $50,000 <br />- Exempt from job and wage goals <br />2. How should the City define a "qualifying job" under the employment goals? <br />Under the standard most recently administered by staff for Tax Abatement projects only jobs to <br />be created (at an hourly rate of $15) as a result of the project are considered as a "qualified" new <br />job. Any existing jobs within the company being relocated were not included. If existing jobs <br />were to be included in addition to created jobs the level of assistance per job on these projects <br />actually ranged from approximately $2,700 to $4,200 of subsidy per new job. <br />