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FEB-10-2006 09 48 LERGUE OF MN CITIES 6512811299 P.03 <br />02/07/05 REVISOR 7SKlMK 06-5594 <br />2.1 to obtain an appraisal under this section. UDgn request, the acquiring aUthmlty must make <br />z.z available to the fee owner or wntract purchaser all appraisals of the property. <br />z.s (b) The fee owner or contract purchaser may obtain. an appraisal by a qualiSed <br />z.a appraiser of the property proposed to be acquired. The fee owner or contract ptuchaser <br />z.s is entitled to reimbursement for the reasonable cosffi of the appraisal from the acquiring <br />z.5 authority up to a maximum of $1,500 for single family and <br />z.~ two-family residential property and ariniutum dama¢e acouisitions and $5,000 for other <br />zs tunes of property, provided [hat the fee owner or contract purchaser submits to the <br />z.v acquiring authority the information necessary for reimbursement, <br /> doessv includin¢ a copy of the fee owner's or contract purchaser's appraisal. within 6A 90 <br />2. t t days after **_~:~ recei, vi~n¢ the appraisal from the authority trader paragraph (a) <br />z.rz and at least 30 dove be£ore a condemnation commissioners' hearin¢_ For puroosea of this <br />z.t~ paragraph. a "minimum damaee acpuisition" means an interest in property that a oualificd <br />z.ta person with appraisal knowledee indicates can be acquired for a cost of $10,000 or less. <br />2.15 (c) The acguitng authority must pay the reimbursement to the fee owner or contract <br />z.r~ purchaser within 30 days after receivin¢ a copy of the eDDraisal gad the reimbursement <br />z.[~ information. Upon aereement between the aequirine authority and either the fee owner <br />z.ta or contract purchaser, the acquiring authority may~av the reimbursement directly to <br />z.rv the appraiser. <br />z.zo Subd. 3. Negotiation. In addition to the appraisal requircmcnta under subdivision 2, <br />zz1 before commencing an eminent domain proceeding, the acquiring authority must make a <br />z.zz good faith attempt to negotiate personally with the fee owner or contras purchaser of the <br />2.23 property in order to acquire the property by direct purchase instead of the use of emineirt <br /> domain proceedings. In making this negotiation, the acquiring authority must consider <br />z.zs the appraisals in its possession~ncluding any appraisal obtained and furnished by the fee <br />2.x6 owner or contract purchaser if available and other information that may be relevant to a <br />z.n determination of damages under this chapter. <br /> Subd. 4. Condemnation commissioners' hearing. Notwithstandine section 13.44, <br />z.zs . au appraisal must not be used or considered in a condemnation commissioners' hearing <br />z3o nor may the appraiser who prepared the appraisal testify unless a copy of the appraiser's <br />z.3r written report is provided to the opposine patty at least five days before the hearing. <br />2.32 Sec. 2 Mimresota Statutes 2004; section 117.055, is amended to read: <br />2 3s 117.055 YLtTI""PION AND NO'1'ICF.. <br /> Subdivision 1. Petition. In all cases a petition, describing the desired land, stating by <br />z.3s whom and for what purposes it is proposed to bo [aken, and giving the names of all persoris <br />Sec. 2. <br />