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Discuss RDA Rosiness incabaWr Program <br />February t3, 2006 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />the above "Program Inception" section. The account's current cash balance of $133,095 will <br />fund the annual estimated fmancial gap of the program under its current structure and <br />vacancy fox approximately seven years. <br />Issue <br />Attached is a letter from Incubator building owner, Larry Hickman, indicating that he has <br />sold the building. The current lease between the EDA and Mx. Hickman allowed fox an <br />early expiration, which will take place on April 15, 2006. Therefore, it is appropriate for the <br />EDA to discuss the future of the Incubator program. <br />Incubator Consultant Recommendations <br />Incubator consultant Harlan Jacobs has provided the attached recommendations regarding <br />the future of the program. In summary, Mr. Jacobs' recommendations axe as follows: <br />• There is little need for a facility to house pxogxam due to lack of available seed <br />capital. <br />• Once the ASCCF is ready to make investments, the EDA may consider finding a real <br />estate developer/building owner/manager who would use a new ox existing building <br />for an incubator pxogxam. <br />• The EDA may consider continuing to market Elk River and maintain the existing <br />retainer with Mr. Jacobs on a month-to-month basis for six months with asix-month <br />renewal option. <br />Staff recommendation <br />Staff recommends that the EDA consider the following direction regarding the future of the <br />Incubator Program: <br />• Put the Incubator pxogxam on hold (after the lease expires in April) and direct staff <br />to complete an analysis of the program and explore options fox a new Incubator <br />pxogxam model, which may including the following: <br />o New rent structure discontinuing the stock offering <br />o New location located on city services <br />o New building owner/partner <br />o Discover new venture capital funds <br />• Immediately discontinue marketing the program and the retainer with Incubator <br />consultant until a new pxogxam model is secured. <br />If an incubator is not feasible, explore the options of investing the Tescom loan fund <br />balance into a new ox different economic development pxogxam. <br />