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06-13-2005 EDA MIN
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Economic Development Authority
EDA Minutes
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06-13-2005 EDA MIN
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Economic Development Authority Minutes <br />June 13, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />Ms. Mehelich stated that Faribault Foods has asked to take over the obligations of the <br />original TIF agreement SoftPac has with the City. She stated that SoftPac has exceeded the <br />job and wage requirements of 60 new jobs at $10.00 - $12.00 per hour. She stated that the <br />only other remaining condition is the requirement to stay in Elk River five years and SoftPac <br />had one year left. She stated that documents for reassignment of the TIF Agreement to <br />Faribault Foods were prepared by the City Attorney and executed by the City Administrator. <br />Ms. Steinmetz expressed thanks on behalf of the EDA to the presidents and administrators <br />of the businesses for taking the time to meeting with staff. She noted that a visit to Elk <br />River Machine is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15~ at 11:30 a.m. <br />Ms. Steinmetz provided background information regazding the proposal to establish an <br />Energy City Commission and to seek the "Energy City" designation. <br />Commissioner Dwyer stated that he fek a 15 member commission was huge. President <br />Gongoll stated that he usually cannot attend the Action Committee for Energy (ACE) <br />meetings. Commissioner Klinzing stated that is the reason the Commission is so large; many <br />of its members often cannot attend meetings. She stated that the Committee has been <br />operating since 1996 with the lazge membership, but that all the members do not attend <br />every meeting. She felt that reducing the size of the committee would leave a lot of people <br />out of the process. <br />Commissioner Motin stated that he had concerns about making the committee a City <br />Commission and questioned what the benefit would be. Commissioner Klin>ing stated that <br />a presentation will be made at the June 13~h City Council meeting and she felt they may be <br />surprised to Team what the committee has accomplished. She stated that they have done a <br />number of things to help the city to become a name that people recognize; they provide <br />tours many times a year to people from all over the State and the world interested in energy <br />efficienry and renewable energy. She noted that Elk River had the first atomic plant in the <br />nation, and that the RDF, Great River Energy, and Elk River Landfill are involved in the <br />Energy City program. She stated that an addition is proposed for the methane gas recovery <br />facility at the Elk River Landfill. Commissioner Klinzing noted that the high performance <br />schools are also patt of the Energy City. <br />Commissioner Tveite stated that he felt it was a minimal investment on the pan of the City. <br />He noted that he talks io people all across the United States who are interested in what Elk <br />River is doing, such as the energy efficient stop lights. <br />Commissioner Klinzing stated that she felt the City would be better able to promote the <br />purpose of the committee by establishing it as a commission. <br />6. Northstaz Business Park Development Update <br />Ms. Mehelich provided background information regazding the EDA's recommendation to <br />the City Council for platting of the Northstaz Business Park property and proceeding with <br />underground utilities m the first phase. She noted that on June 6~h, the City Cotmcil action <br />was to receive the feasibility study and order a public hearing for July 5~, and to order <br />preparation of plans and specs and begin the platting process. Since that time, staff has <br />received interest from three prospects as noted in the staff report to the EDA. Staff is <br />working to obtain a letter of intent from the interested prospects to present to the City <br />Council in July. Ms. Mehelich stated that it is the City's intent that the lots be purchased by <br />
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