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City Council Minutes Page 3 <br />July 14, 2003 <br />............................. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Motin and Mayor Klinzing concurred. Mayor Klinzing stated that at this <br /> point, the city should put this item on hold and wait to see if any comments are received or <br /> to see if neighboring cities pursue the 2:00 a.m. closing. <br /> <br />5.3. Discussion on Mosquito Control <br /> <br />Building and Environmental Administrator Stephen Rohlf provided a brief overview of the <br />methods used for mosquito control. Mr. Rohlf explained that the mosquito control issue <br />was discussed by the City Council in 2001 but it has been requested that it come back <br />before the Council for consideration again. Mr. Rohlf reviewed his memo on this topic. <br /> <br />Al Shrupp, 13964 Ogden Street - Mr. Shrupp stated that the mosquitoes are so bad that he <br />and his wife cannot even go outside. He questioned the cost of mosquito control. Mr. <br />Shrupp requested that the city continue to pursue the mosquito control options. <br /> <br />Mr. Rohlf stated that the price information he received from a private firm in 2001 was <br />$200,000 per application for approximately 4,000 acres of wetland and in order to be <br />effective, two applications are needed per year. Mr. Rohlf explained that the high cost is <br />mainly due to the use of a helicopter. Mr. Rohlf stated that contracting with the <br />Metropolitan Mosquito Control District versus using a private firm would reduce the cost, <br />but Sherbume County would have to petition to join the district and it would take special <br />legislation. Staff approached Sherbume County regarding this issue and the county declined <br />to pursue this issue due to the cost. <br /> <br />Mr. Rohlf indicated that the BTI product is apparently the safest product on the market, <br />being very specific to mosquitoes, gnats, and black flies but not other wildlife. This product <br />kills mosquitoes in their larval stage, which is the most effective way of mosquito control. <br />Mr. Rohlf stated that citizens can purchase this product on their own. Mr. Rohlf stated that <br />the other method of control, spraying for adult mosquitoes, comes with more health and <br />environmental concerns. <br /> <br />Cindy Johnson, 10723 203~d Ave - Stated that she moved to Elk River because it was not <br />part of the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District. Ms. Johnson stated that last year she <br />was sprayed by a truck spraying for mosquitoes. She explained that she and her husband <br />experienced symptoms such as burning eyes and numbness in their hands for many months <br />which required many doctor visits. Ms. Johnson stated that it is not worth the health risks of <br />spraying just to provide mosquito relief for a couple days. <br /> <br />Mayor I4Jinzing stated that she believes the best form of mosquito control is to educate <br />citizens on mosquito control so they can take an active role in controlling their own <br />environment. <br /> <br />It was the consensus of the Council that spraying for mosquitoes is not an effective option <br />and that the BTI is not feasible due to the cost. <br /> <br />Mr. Rohlf stated that it is too late in the season for citizens to effectively kill mosquitoes in <br />the larval stage using the BTI method as this should be done in May or June. <br /> <br />5.4. HRA Update - Councilmember Motin <br /> <br />Councilmember Motin provided an update on the HRA meeting held June 30, 2003. <br /> <br /> <br />