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Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Pax: 763.441.8099 <br />TO: FROM: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Theresa Slominski -Finance Director/Office <br />John Dietz Manager <br />Daryl Thompson <br />Allan Nadeau <br />MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />June 14, 2011 6.1 <br />SUBJECT: <br />Staff U dates -Finance Director/Office Mana er <br />DISCUSSION: <br />We have hired for our CSR position and Jennie Nelson is our newest staff member. She started <br />June 6th and has a retail background with a degree in journalism. <br />We had 744 credit card payment transactions in May, which is down from 801 in April. May's <br />fee should be $1,674. We will see if the volume climbs back up again now that shut off season <br />has begun. The commission will continue to be updated on the transaction volume and costs with <br />the absorbed fee in place. <br />On June 9th we had approximately 50 shut-offs, which is a much smaller number compared to <br />approximately 80 in years past. This is a result of good work from our Collections Specialist, <br />Michelle, staying in touch with the customers to keep current. There is possibly some impact <br />from the credit card availability, yet it is difficult to identify and quantify that impact for certain. <br />The fact that the number is lower this year is a positive reflection for the utilities. <br />Progress is being made on the implementation of billing information available online at our <br />website. We saw the first glimpse of what the bill would look like online and will move into the <br />testing phase very soon. The goal is to have this completed by the end of June. <br />We have a recent graduate from the Chamber of Commerce Leadership Class on staff. Michelle <br />Martindale graduated June 7th with 9 other classmates from the Elk River area. We are proud of <br />her pursuit of this accomplishment and are looking forward to graduating other staff from this <br />program. <br />