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Bill Removing City Well Authority Does Not Advance <br />~. o ~~ ~~~ ~ ~o I <br />~~~ ~ Page I of 2 <br />:-r ~, <br />;a <br />ci.n~ <br />Bill Removing City Well <br />Authority Does Not Advance <br />Senate author requests that the environment committee set the bill aside rather than attempt to <br />move it forward. <br />(Published May 4, 2011) <br />Proposed legislation would allow property owners to sink their own wells within city limits to <br />circumvent paying for public water. The bill would limit city authority to covering only public wells. <br />The blll, SF 64 (Link m: https'://www.revisor.nm.gnv/revis'or/pages Lsea~eh_.vlancvLclarus_demil.php?b=Sena[e&f=5F0064& ~50n. <br />Mike Jungbauer rc,nk~o: Inrp:Uvs~~~.,~~„are.reg.,~«ne.~~,~~.,~.cenen~ner.~i,,,~,nber_n,o.php~reg_~a=io~9h~ , R-East Bethel), had a <br />turbulent week. It was initially scheduled for a hearing on April 26 in the Senate Environment and <br />Natural Resources Committee (Link m: hitp://wwwsenatelegsm[!lees/comminee_bin.php?cnve_id=[0068/s=), but <br />was removed from the agenda. The author then had the bill removed from that committee through a <br />motion on the Senate floor on April 28. It was reassigned to the Senate Local Government and <br />Eleet10I15 Commtttee (Link m: hlrp://wwwsenateleg..elale~nn.ue'/mmmineee'/comnti(~ee_bio.php?cm[e_id=307&Is J, Wh1Ch <br />immediately scheduled a hearing for Apri129 to hear the bill. Sen. Jungbauer had informed the League <br />of his plan to move the bill to that committee, but having it appear to be heard less than 24 hours later <br />was not expected. <br />Fortunately, a number of city officials and others representing city water utilities were able to make the <br />quick change to their schedules to be able to attend. The League, the Minnesota Rural Water <br />Association, the Minnesota Municipal Utility Association, and the cities of Rochester, Minneapolis, and <br />Bartell were all present and signed up to testify. <br />At the end of the League's testimony, however, Sen. Jungbauer announced his reluctance to bring the <br />bill to a vote without significant further discussion, given what he saw as reasonable concerns raised by <br />opponents of the bill. Some additional testimony was taken from the Rochester Utilities and Rural Water <br />representatives, and the bill was set aside without a vote. <br />The bill, as it was amended in that committee, is reduced to a single sentence that removes city authority <br />to regulate the construction or use of private wells It is intended to allow well drillers to operate in cities <br />with no need for any local approval, permit, or restriction. Since the amendment is not yet reflected on <br />the legislative web site, the bill now is worded as follows: "A home rule charter city or statutory city <br />cannot regulate the construction or use of private wells." <br />While the bill itself will no longer be moving ahead this session, the potential for the language to be <br />attached to other bills as an amendment still exists. The League will watch for those attempts and will <br />oppose legislation that has any such language added to it. The House companion bil I is HF 135 u.n,k ~~~ <br />hnps://<n'ch_wrnushTan~s,defni(.plip?6=Hmae&(=HF[35&ssn=0&~~=20//l, authored by RCp. TOm <br />Hackbarth (Link to /vtp://www]meae.[egs(n( ushnem6ers/me~ubers. orp?leg_id=/0129) ~R-Cedar. <br />City need for authority <br />Well drillers have increasingly been seeking business within city limits as development of housing <br /> 1 /wells. j sp 5/4/2011 <br />