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ElkRiver ---~ <br />Municipal Utilities <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />TO: FROM: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Wade Lovelette -Superintendent of Technical <br />John Dietz, Chair Services <br />Daryl Thompson, Vice Chair <br />AI Nadeau, Trustee <br />MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />Ma ] 0, 2011 5.4 <br />SUBJECT: <br />Review Thermal hna in and System Maintenance Pro ram <br />DISCUSSION: <br />Last month l gave a short verbal report on the thermal imaging camera. This camera has <br />been very useful in our maintenance program. We use this camera during our slow months in the <br />winter. <br />We aze able to spot-check different azeas of electrical equipment (substations, riser poles, <br />air switches, switching cabinets and 3-phase transformers, etc.) for higher temperature <br />differences which indicate a connection going bad. The camera operator will take a picture of the <br />equipment and load it into the computer. By using the camera's sofhvaze, the operator is able to <br />generate a report. That report is passed onto the line department for analyzing and deterniining <br />how soon the problem needs to be repaired. The repair is made in the field on a scheduled time <br />therefore, preventing an unexpected outage which could take several hours to restore. So far, this <br />camera has prevented some major outages. <br />By using the camera more and more and attending training sessions, the operators of the <br />camera are getting more efficient in using it. <br />This program is usually done by the locators in the winter when the locate ticket numbers <br />are down. <br />I have included a few reports for your viewing. <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />No action required. <br />