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ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />Off Peak Demand Electric Service <br />Available: Within established Elk River Municipal Utilities Rate areas. <br />Applicable: Existing Customers, or to new Customers with demands of 50 kW or more <br />for three (3) consecutive months whose entire requirements are taken through one <br />meter, under a contract of standard form. (Not applicable to resale, standby or auxiliary <br />service,) <br />Character Of Service: AC, 60 cycles, 120 volts or 120/240 volts, single-phase; 120/208 <br />volts, or 277/480 volts, three-phase. Four wire, 240 volts three-phase will only be <br />applicable to existing customers now being served by this voltage. A customer requiring <br />voltages other than that already established shall be required to provide suitable space <br />location of Elk River Municipal Utilities transformers, metering and associated <br />equipment. <br />Special Conditions: One meter shall be installed to service one class of business. If <br />additional buildings are required for a given business, they shall be interconnected by <br />the customer to obtain one meter. If additional meters and services are requested by the <br />customer, each shall be treated as a separate customer. <br />Meter to be accessible to our service department at anytime. <br />Rate: Subject to application of Cost Adjustment (CA). <br />Off Peak Demand Service: Account Maintenance Charge: $55.00 per month, <br />Summer <br />Demand Charge: <br />On peak $15.89 <br />Off peak $ 5.90 <br />Energy Charge: $ 0.0590 <br />Winter <br />$11.27 in KW /month <br />$ 5.90 in KW /month <br />$ 0.0590 in KWh / month <br />On-Peak Demand-- Actual demand during On-Peak Periods <br />On-Peak Period-- 1:00 PM -10:00 PM weekdays <br />Off-Peak Demand-- Actual demand during Off-Peak Periods less On-Peak Demand <br />Off-Peak Period-- All non On-Peak Periods <br />Minimum Bill: Maximum billing demand during previous twelve months times 3.0% of <br />the demand charge, or the actual demand multiplied by the demand charge ,whichever <br />is greater plus $1.00 per kVA per month of excess transformer capacity requested by <br />customer. <br />Sales tax applicable unless exemption is filed. <br />