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ilk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />1306) Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />TO: FROM: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Theresa Slominski -Finance Director <br />John Dietz <br />Daryl Thompson <br />Allan Nadeau <br />MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />Ma 1 Q 2011 5.1 Review Reserves Balances and Polic <br />SUBJECT: <br />Annual review of reserves balances <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Per our Reserves Policy, annually after the audit the year-end reserve balances shall be reviewed <br />and the Utilities Commission shall consider any balances above or below target levels. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />At the conclusion of our audit, a review of the cash balances of $7,311,517 and reserves <br />determines that our current reserves balances are at target levels. The three Reserve <br />Classifications and respective calculated amounts for the Electric Department are Unrestricted <br />Designated Reserves, $3,755,770; Reserve Restricted for Debt Service, $724,500; and <br />Unrestricted Reserves, $2,831,247. The Reserve Classifications and respective calculated <br />amounts for the Water Department are Unrestricted Designated Reserves, $1,197,562; Reserve <br />Restricted for Debt Service, $0; and Unrestricted Reserves, $1,595,581.The current reserves <br />policy is attached which defines the various classifications and specifies the target calculations. <br />With the discussion of the Electric Department Reserve Policy last year, it was determined that a <br />purchased power component of the reserves was not to be included -not because of its <br />unimportance, but because it was a significant increase in the target balances and would have left <br />the reserves under target by a significant amount. Instead, the Unrestricted Reserves were <br />default designated as working capital that could be used to meet power cost needs (for the <br />electric department) or rate stabilization, etc. Our current cash balances would allow us to <br />reconsider this important purchased power component, adjust our policy for the target balance <br />accordingly, and meet this target balance. <br />Currently, purchased power is our largest expense for the Electric Department, at approximately <br />71% of total budgeted expenses. During the high usage summer months, it can be high as 78% <br />of the total expenses. With looming double digit wholesale power rate increases forecasted by <br />Great River Energy, this component of our budget will continue to grow in significance. Since <br />this is such a significant and important expense, I would like to reconsider the Electric target <br />reserve level to include a purchased power component. There are a few different options to <br />