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Attachment 2 to the Resource Planning Coalition Participation Agreement dated May 1, 2010 <br />i. Risks will be categorized by how they can be assessed. In the interest of <br />identifying the scale of possible risks, results will be quantified as much as <br />feasible. To the extent that risk factors facing the Coalition can be <br />understood using quantitative analysis tools, the best possible risk- <br />reward tradeoff will be identified. <br />ii. Risks that cannot be quantified will be noted as a possible reason to <br />prefer one portfolio over another. Risk management methods outside <br />the purview of the RFP will be briefly discussed. <br />iii. The best balances of risk and reward will be determined, and candidate <br />portfolios not meeting these will be eliminated. All remaining portfolios <br />will be ranked in terms of desirability, with the best portfolio being <br />described as Plan A, the second-best as Plan 8, and so on. The strategy <br />represented by each candidate portfolio will be described. <br />iv. If the best choice(s) are not clear after the probabilistic analysis, a scoring <br />system to benchmark the plans will be developed by having the project <br />manager and participants set down a set of desired qualities for the best <br />portfolio, and then each consideration will be given weights <br />commensurate to their importance. Plan A will be chosen by the top- <br />performingscorer under this system. <br />C. Develop individual portfolios based on chosen Plan <br />i. The best plans for each Coalition participant will be developed hand-in- <br />hand with results addressing aggregate Coalition needs. <br />D. Develop report of the evaluation <br />i. Use wholesale cost projections to benchmark to existing power supply <br />arrangements. <br />ii. Methods of analysis will be documented. Further detail underlying the <br />documentation should be available upon request. <br />iii. Advice of presentation for non-technical stakeholders will be provided. <br />Deliverables: Report summarizing the steps in thought of the risk analysis, <br />presentation of results, and updates as needed in the process to Coalition <br />participants. <br />Time Schedule for Completion of Phase 2 B: <br />Assuming a June 1, 2011 start date, the completion date of Phase 2 B and presentation of its <br />deliverables is estimated to be July 15, 2011. <br />Estimated Costs: <br />The total cost, including the labor of both RW Beck and CMMPA, is estimated to be $75,000. <br />Cost Allocation Method: <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />