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Water P&L <br />Water Operating Revenues arc just barely ahead of budget by $3,479 or 4.3%, and <br />consistent with the prior year numbers. We pumped 1.5 million gallons more water this <br />year (35.6 million gallons of water in 2010 versus 37.1 in 2011) and sold 400,000 gallons <br />more. <br />Other Revenue is down from the prior year due to nonrecurring connection fees in 2010. <br />The Investment Income is posting better returns with the sweep account in place, as noted <br />above, and helps to minimally offset the other categories' reductions. The Miscellaneous <br />Revenue from the water tower lease is in line with budget. <br />Expenses are in line with budget, however increased over the prior year. As noted above, <br />the slimmer margins are presenting different results and should not be compared to the <br />prior year as such. The increases from the prior year in Administrative and General <br />Expense is a result of increased focus in conservation, purchases of office supply <br />computers, and the timing of a quarterly fee payment. <br />For March, the Water Department has a net loss, as expected this time of year, of <br />($76,855), which is less than the budgeted loss of ($83,879), and slightly more than the <br />($75,212) loss last year. The year to date net loss is ($234,952), which is less than the <br />year to date budgeted loss of ($247,887), and behind the prior year to date net loss of <br />($208,999). Performance of the Water Department and related financials will also best be <br />evaluated after the summer months, and keep in mind that the year-end budget is a net <br />loss of ($198,180). <br />