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Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />TO: FROM: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Troy Adams, P.E. -Director of Operations <br />John Dietz, Chair <br />Daryl Thompson, Trustee <br />Al Nadeau <br />MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />March 8, 201 I 5.5 <br />SUBJECT: <br />Purchase Policies <br />BACKGROUND: <br />On January ] 4, 2003 the Utilities Commission approved a resolution to grant the purchase and payment <br />of equipment, materials, and services necessary to ensure efficient operations. This resolution is attached <br />for Commission reference. In 2009, the Utilities Commission directed staff to temporarily establish that <br />purchasing authority threshold to $10,000 for non-budgeted and budgeted purchases. This was to be <br />reevaluated at a future date. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />Often, the timely purchase of budgeted materials or equipment will exceed $10,000. For example, <br />transformers, cable, and meters all could be purchased annually in quantities that would exceed the <br />established $10,000 threshold. Larger items like swi[chgear may exceed $10,000 for one unit. At times <br />these purchases may be time sensitive and it may not be efficient operations to make these purchase <br />authorizations once a month. This would be similar to authorizing payment of the monthly purchase <br />power bill or the Waste Management Landfill Gas Plant Service Agreement payment. These payments <br />are documented in the check register and approved in the consent agenda by the Utilities Commission. <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />Staff recommends reestablishing the 2003 Utilities Commission Resolution to grant purchase and <br />payment of equipment, materials, and services necessary to ensure efficient operations. <br />