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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER PLANNING COMMISSION <br />• HELD AT ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br />TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2010 <br />Members Present: Chair Westberg, Commissioners Bell, Ives, Johnson, and Scott <br />Members Absent: Commissioner Anderson, Lemke <br />Staff Present: Jeremy Barnhart, Planning Manager; Chris Leeseberg, Planner/Park <br />Planner; Rebecca Haug, Environmental Administrator <br />Call Meeting To Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Elk River Planning Commission <br />was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Westberg. <br />2. Consider 11/23/10 Planning Commission Agenda <br />MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JOHNSON AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER BELL TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 23, 2010 <br />PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />3. Consider 11/9/10 Planning Commission Minutes <br />• POSTPONED TO DECEMBER PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. <br />4.1. Request b~ Dennis Cornelius on behalf of Amcon and Spectrum High School, for <br />Conditional Use Permit for an Educational Institution in the Business Park Zoning District <br />f 17796 Industrial Circle NW), Public Hearing -Case No. CU 10-22 <br />The staff report was presented by Jeremy Barnhart. Mr. Barnhart reviewed what was <br />presented at the November 9, 2010 Planning Commission meeting and why it was <br />postponed. He further explained the Commission needs to review the application as a <br />Conditional Use Permit. No new information was obtained by an adjacent business owner, <br />who was opposed to the school, as it might impede their ability to expand or renew existing <br />permits. Staff believes traffic and drainage issues are not a concern. Staff recommended <br />approval of the request. <br />Chair Westberg opened the public hearing. <br />Dennis Cornelius, applicant -stated they would prefer action, approval or denial, by the <br />Planning Commission to keep the project moving. <br />There being no other public comment, Chair Westberg closed the public hearing. <br />Chair Westberg read an email from Commissioner Anderson, who was not present. <br />• <br />