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ElkRiver --- <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 5 5 3 30-0430 <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />TO: FROM: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Troy Adams, P.E. - Director of Operations <br />John Dietz, Chair <br />Jerry Gumphrey, Vice Chair <br />Daz I Thom son, Trustee <br />MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />December 14, 2010 6.1 <br />SUBJECT: <br />Staff U dates -Director of O erations <br />DISCUSSION: <br />Staff has conducted interviews and made an offer to fill the recently open Customer Service <br />Representative position. Staff is in the process of replenishing the vacant Maintenance Person <br />position. <br />Due to the recent employee retirement incentive program that Great River Energy (GRE) has <br />offered in conjunction with their budget cuts, GRE has given notice of termination of their After <br />Hours Call Answering and Dispatch Service. Staff is currently exploring other options. <br />With the recent wind and snow storms, this region has experienced many electrical outages. All <br />around ERMU service territory, our neighboring utilities were challenged to restore services <br />quickly. Because ERMU experienced minimal electrical service outages due to these storms, <br />ERMU provided mutual aid by supplying equipment to Princeton Public Utilities and <br />dispatching crews to Connexus Energy. It makes me proud that our staff is called upon again <br />and again during situations like this. Attached is a letter from Connexus Energy thanking ERMU <br />for our help. <br />This month, GRE provided tours of their Elk River Energy Recovery Station, Elk River Peaking <br />Station, and their newly acquired Resource Processing Plant. <br />City and Utilities department heads met to begin work on developing the action steps for our <br />Vision and Goals. Updates will be provided for the Commission in the future as the process <br />continues. <br />Attached for your review are the results from the 2010 Utility Rate Survey. This survey <br />compares our water rates to other Minnesota utilities. <br />