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Elk River ., . <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441..8099 <br />TO: FROM: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Theresa Slominski -Finance Director <br />John Dietz, Chair <br />Jerry Gumphrey, Vice Chair <br />Da 1 Thom son, Trustee <br />MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />December 14, 2010 5.5 <br />SUBJECT: <br />Miscellaneous Write-offs <br />BACKGROUND: <br />Write-offs for miscellaneous invoices from Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable are presented for <br />your review. They total $10,773.34 and are separate from the Utility Billing write-offs reviewed <br />quarterly. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />Typically, on a quarterly basis write-offs are presented to the commission for review. However, <br />invoices from Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable have not been presented this year and we <br />would like to process these in December 2010, rather than waiting until January 2011 when the <br />other quarterly write-offs will be presented. The attached amounts cover items from 2007 <br />through 2009 that we are unable to collect on. These items are not associated with a utility <br />account, but are separate invoices related to various activities that are identified in the comments <br />area. Invoices 017181 and 017348 originate from auto accidents causing damage to our system <br />where there was no insurance to bill and so the individuals were billed. <br />Write-offs for the first, second, and third quarters were $89,757.97. We have received funds <br />from our collection agency's efforts which bring the total down to $68,664.29. With the above <br />mentioned write-offs, the year-to-date total would be $79,437.63, which is less than 1 % (.307%) <br />of estimated sales. The budgeted write-off amount was for $95,000. (These numbers include <br />both water and electric amounts.) <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />Staff recommends that the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission accept this write-off listing <br />for the miscellaneous invoices to process in 2010. <br />