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Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.5099 <br />TO: FROM: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission Troy Adams, P.E. - Director of Operations <br />John Dietz, Chair <br />Jerry Gumphrey, Vice Chair <br />Daryl Thom son, Trustee <br />MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: <br />December 14, 2010 5.1 <br />SUBJECT: <br />Utility Benchmarking Analysis <br />BACKGROUND: <br />In May 2010, Grand Rapids Public Utilities Commission (GRPUC) in cooperation with the City of Grand <br />Rapids hired Collaboration Unlimited, a management consulting firm which specializes in public utilities, <br />to perform an organization and performance analysis. Elk River Municipal Utilities assisted with the <br />study by participating in a survey to establish quantitative benchmazki~tg for the performance and <br />efficiencies of their utilities. Collaboration Unlimited collected data from 18 Minnesota municipal <br />utilities of which 13 provided electric utility services and 17 provided water utility services. The survey <br />population included lazge and small Cities/utilities with geographical diversity. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />The data collected for the GRPUC analysis was also used to benchmark ERMU against the other <br />surveyed utilities. It is quantitatively appazent that ERMU is operating very efficiently. This ERMU <br />specific benchmazking analysis is attached for Commission review. Of the surveyed utilities, ERMU is on <br />the low end of the spectrum for number of employees, on the large end for service territory size, and has <br />slightly more customers that the survey average. The total number of customers per full time equivalent <br />(FTE) employee is better than the average by 8% and slightly below average by 3% for the number of <br />customers per customer service FTE. These numbers aze respectable, yet they do not actually reflect <br />reality. In addition to our electric, water, and security customers, ERMU is staffed to process, bill, and <br />maintain customer accounts for 4457 waste water customers and 6862 garbage customers. In discussion <br />with Collaboration Unlimited, these customers were not taken into account in the survey and they concur <br />that these additional customers would positively impact the results for ERMU's benchmazking analysis. <br />In the electric department, ERMU serves 9% more customers on 38% more miles of distribution line per <br />FTE than the survey averages. The reliability indexes confirm that ERMU provides very reliable <br />electrical services. The water department serves 72% more customers on 28% more miles of distribution <br />and pumps nearly 400% more gallons per FTE than the survey averages. Overall, ERMU is doing more <br />with less while continuing to "provide safe, reliable, cost effective and quality long term electric and <br />water utility service". <br />v~ <br />~r <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />No action required. <br />