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Elk River ~. <br />Municipal Utilities <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING <br />TO: <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />John Dietz, Chair <br />Jerry Gumphrey, Vice Chair <br />NG DATE: <br />ber 14, 2010 <br />David Berg -Water Superintendent <br />AGENDA ITEM <br />4.1 <br />DISCUSSION: <br />With help from SUSA (Suburban Utilities Superintendent Association) we were able to identify <br />which cities implemented watering restrictions. The data on the topic was collected from 71 cities. <br />Forty-six of the cities surveyed have restrictions on "time of day with anodd -even rule", while <br />iwo others only have "time of day" restraints. Twenty-three of the cities have no restrictions. 'I'bis <br />shows that the majority have the same watering code that ERMI J has. The stagrecommends that <br />we leave the now standing restriction details as is. The only difference we would see with a change <br />is a higher peak day, which costs the company more for the larger range of water consumption. <br />