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ELK RIVER LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES <br />August 24, 1999 <br />Murray McNair, Chair Present <br />Robert Jones, Vice Chair Present <br />Eleanor Holm, Secretary Present <br />Leslie Anderson Present <br />Geraldine Graham Present <br />Also present:Mick Stoffers,Librarian; Verne Oleksowicz,GRRL <br />Meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chair McNair. <br />Secretary's report was approved with a motion by Gerry and <br />a second by Eleanor. All in favor. <br />No suggestion box items. <br />Mick distributed the Linking Library Trustees Newsletter <br />to all Board members. She noted that Trustee Day at M.L.A. <br />Annual Convention in Duluth will be October 1. <br />Treasurer's reports for June and July were discussed; a motion <br />to approve was made by Eleanor and seconded by Leslie. All in favor. <br />Librarian's Report: <br />Old Business: <br />Landscaping Repair: The city has finished putting rock in the <br />areas around the building that needed repair. Also concrete <br />slab has been laid by the garbage cans. The light in the <br />staff parking lot still needs repair. <br />Signs for the Main Library: The signs that the Board was <br />interested in proved to be too expensive. Mick will talk to <br />Phil Hals and Mary Gillette about other options. <br />There was request by a staff member for an Industrial First <br />Aid Kit and it was purchased for $145.00. <br />Update on Grant Requests for Microfilm Reader: Gerry sent <br />Cargill an updated letter addressed to the new manager. A <br />letter was also sent to Julian Anderson at his publishing <br />company with our request. Requests are also considered to <br />Great River Energy and Target. Eleanor will obtain and fill <br />out applications from the Legion and Eagles Clubs. She also <br />will call Roberta Takle about Legion Auxiliary donation. <br />