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-Sherbun. <br /> <br />County Long Range Transportation <br /> <br />Study Group Explores Future Possibilities <br /> <br />Montibello said earlier this <br />month. Schwarting says most of <br />their work will be completed <br />earlier, but the Long Range <br />Transportation Plan won't be <br />submitted to commissioners for <br />approval until July. <br /> SRF has worked on trans- <br />portation plans for Wright <br />county, Mankato and other mu- <br />nicipalities and counties. <br /> As pan of the study, they <br />have projected that the heaviest <br />Transportation to page 5. <br /> <br /> "Nothing has been set in <br />stone yet," said Schwarting. <br />"We're still listening to the gen- <br />eral public and gaining input. <br /> During the Becker To~ship <br />meeting two weeks ago, citizens <br /> expressed concern about par- <br />ticular roads being addressed in <br />the long-range plan. They will <br />have the opportunity to voice <br />their opinion at one of the up- <br />coming meetings. <br /> The completed plan should <br />be ready in about two months, <br /> <br /> By Jake Jacobsen '! announced open houses in April. <br /> '? Sherburne County Highway <br /> As County Commissioners !.Engineer Dave Schwarting said <br /> looked into the future through .: they will be scheduling open <br /> the crystal ball of their highway · houses at both ends of the <br /> road consultants recently, they ~county next month. <br /> saw: ~.'. The meetings will be held in <br />A possible service road in ':9 early evening mid-April so <br />Becker running parallel to.~, working people can attend, said <br />Highway 10 in front of the NSP"q Schwartin. g: At the meetings <br />plant connecting Co. Rd 8 to they anticipate gaining more <br />Co. Rd. 11. <br />A collector road in Big pul~lic input and dispelling in- <br /> formation they've already gath- <br />Lake, just north of Lake Mitch- ~. e. red. <br />ell connecting Co. Rd. 15 to <br />Co. Rd. 73. <br /> An east-west connection in i <br />Elk River between School St. J~ <br />and Co. Rd. 33. to collect traf- .~: <br />hc from new northern develop- <br />ments directed toward schools <br />and downtown. <br /> There may also be a north~ <br />south road running parallel to ?' <br />tt~3,. 169 in Elk River as a wid- <br />ened extension of Co. Rd 13, <br />which is just east of H~3,. 169. '. <br /> These were all concepts that <br />were presented by Dave Monte-: <br />belle of SRF Consulting Group <br />of Minneapolis and his staff <br />Wednesday afternoon. <br /> SRF has been hired by the <br />Sherburne County Highway De- <br />partment to prepare a trans- <br />portation plan. Cost for their <br />services is $65,000, $30,000 of~ <br />which is being paid by the Min-.4 <br />nesota Department of Trans-i <br /> <br />portation (MNDot). 7.~ <br /> . The consultants began theirs,' <br />:malysis last August and hope to <br />have a presentation read), for., "Sherburne County Commissioners review pending County Transportation Plan. (Left- Right) <br />the public at yct-to-bc- R~y Fried/, Terry Nagorski, Betsey Wergin, Arne Engstrom and Mike Johnson. . .. <br /> <br /> Transportation from page 1. <br /> traveled traffic 'roads will be <br /> Highxvays 10 and 169. <br /> Northbound County Road 25 <br /> in Becket, County Road 5 'in <br /> Big Lake and Co. Rd. I in Elk <br /> · River are described as minor ar- <br /> terial routes. They are all proj- <br /> ected to become major traffic <br /> routes. <br /> Before the study is com-' <br />pleted, SRF plans to meet with <br />the various school representa- <br />'fives to gather their thoughts <br /> about traffic patterns. <br /> Another important factor is <br />the sharing'of jurisdictions, <br />which means a coordinated ef- <br />fort to have the various state, <br />county, city and township gov- <br />ernments be responsible for <br />maintenance. <br /> In some instances there <br />could be egchanges of owner- <br />ship of roads between the juris- <br />dictions. Promoting road <br />continuity between counties is <br />anofl~er concern to be addressed. <br /> Controlling traffic growth, <br />safety and understanding by the <br />public are all important aspects <br />.of the plan, said County Admin- <br /> <br /> <br />