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8 1115/97 installation of snow mall piping will occur I Shaw, Rink Systems, LC.E 1/20t97 Owner is slill concerned the snow melt will <br /> this week il the system will fit the opening not function in cold weather, and how can it <br /> Shaw will make in the ~]rale. . be changed or enhanced? <br /> <br />9 10130t96 D.M.J. presented a request for a change P Shaw 1/22/97 Shaw provided revised pdcing from DM,I <br /> order to pave the south area. lotaling less than $t0,000.00. City and MAM <br /> re-reviewing. .. <br />10 12/31196 Operator f~)r coiling door at zamboni' R Shaw, City ol Elk"River 1/16197 City approved $850.00 to install operators on <br /> room. site. (Delivery uncertain as of this meeting.) <br />11 11/13196 New stairs from mezzanine. Owner P RSP 1/16t97 Review storage room layout after stai~-s are <br /> suggested closing oll the area below Ihe installed. May need to'infiliwilh drywall. <br /> sleps and installing a maintenance door Review patching precast cut outs & bleacher <br /> for cleaning debris off. supports. RSP provided a drawing this week. <br /> {Will re-issue 1/16/97.I <br />12 1/819'~'' ~liance will price ou! securitY fixtures for P Reliance in the $2,500.00 to $4,000.00 range. <br /> the locker rooms .... <br />13 12118t96 Radiant heating at east bleachers. P Horwitz 1125f97 App~'o~/ed Io proceed. Refurbishing <br /> unde~vay, installation will be off the ice or <br /> ahead of the bleacher installation if Horwilz <br /> can locate the units. <br />14 118/97 The structural engineer will be notilied P RSP, Ericksen Roed, City ol 1120197 An actual site visit will be required to verify if <br /> today regarding snow depth on the Elk River any snow removal should occur. Also, there <br /> existing roof. is a concern about ice damage Io the mol <br /> and any mo_f_lop equ..ipment. <br /> <br />15 118f97 The city issued a temporary occupancy P City of Elk River, all 1113197 Pending the electrical and mechanical <br /> 3ermil on Friday, January 10, 1997. A Contractors inspections and tests being in order. <br /> list of corrections was sent to all subs. <br /> <br /> ....... ' -, ':" " ..... ii6i97 A cost review meeiin9 wiii be held ai the city <br /> Wednesday, January 22, 1997. offices folloWing this scheduled meeting. <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />